If you're anything like me, you've spent every Valentine's Day as single as a Pringle. No, it's not necessarily a bad thing. It just means you haven't found anyone important enough to spend this sappy day with. AND, if you're a lot like me, it really sucks to get through the day. It's like all the sudden every couple in the world decides to hang out around you ALL DAY just to laugh in your face. Here are a few tips you'll really need to make Single Awareness Day bearable (and somewhat entertaining):
1. Come up with a really, ridiculously, complicated background story on why you're single.
Where's my boyfriend? Well, you see...
2. Play that "Single Girl" playlist on Spotify that you deny that you have.
3. Make a reservation for 2 at an expensive restaurant and break out crying when your date supposedly "stands you up." Maybe you'll get a free meal out of it.
4. Order yourself gifts, chocolates and flowers to send to yourself at work or school. When they arrive, act surprised.
5. Walk around with your arm around your "imaginary boyfriend," and have a serious conversation about meeting his parents.
6. Go up to some dude who is sitting at a table with his girlfriend, throw a fake engagement ring at him and scream "we're so over!"
7. Just kidding... don't do that. People will think you're crazy.
8. Order a large pizza and eat the entire thing because you don't have to share it now!
Here's to another year!