Times 100 Most Influential People: Do You Know Them?
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Times 100 Most Influential People: Do You Know Them?

Ever think you could be one of them?

Times 100 Most Influential People: Do You Know Them?

Time creates a list of the world’s most influential people every year. In 2014, 41 of the 100 most influential people were women. In 2014, 10 of the 100 most influential people were younger than 30. In 2014, 12 of the 100 most influential people were from Africa, 18 of the 100 most influential people were from Asia, 10 of the 100 most influential people were from Europe, 57 of the 100 most influential people were from North America, and 4 of the 100 most influential people were from South America (1 person was from Australia).

I believe this shows the success of the developing world as more people enter the list from Asia, Africa, and South America. In 2014, 26 of the 100 most influential people are in government. In 2014, 27 of the 100 most influential people are in the arts. In 2014, 5 of the 100 most influential people are in sports.  In a world where it seems like entertainment, whether it be TV, movies, or sports, is the most influential place, the list proves that this is not true.

I live in a bubble (I will be the first to admit it), so when I looked at the 2014 list I only knew 25 of the 100 people on the list. Serena Williams is the greatest and most well-known female tennis player in the world. Richard Sherman won a super bowl with the Seattle Seahawks during the 2013-2014 NFL season. Jason Collins became the only out of the closet gay player in the NBA and in all of the core four sports. Cristiano Ronaldo is one of the most well-known soccer/football players who made a big splash in the 2014 World Cup. Pope Francis is redefining the church’s image in the world by traveling the world and apologizing to those who were molested by those in the church. Rand Paul is gearing up towards a 2016 presidential run. Janet Yellen is now in charge of the Fed. Eric Holder is running the investigations in conjunction with the Justice Department from the White House. Vladimir Putin continues to show his strength by aiding pro-Russian forces in Ukraine. John Kerry is traveling the world making amends and creating positive relationships for the United States as the Secretary of State. Scott Walker is also going to try to make a bid for a 2016 presidential run. Barack Obama is the most powerful man in the Western Hemisphere. Hillary Clinton could become the first female president in 2016. Kirstin Gillibrand is a female powerhouse in the House who is a rising star in the Democratic Party. Angela Merkel is making a name for Germany by challenging Western leaders. Charlie Rose has been a talk show host and journalist for over twenty years. Carrie Underwood is an American Idol winner who has changed the face of country music. Robin Wright is an actress and singer who was parried to Sean Penn. Matthew McConaughey is an American actor who was in Dallas Buyers Club. Seth Meyers has taken over Jimmy Fallon's late late night spot. Kerry Washington is on Shonda Rimes show Scandal. These are just some of the people on the list who I recognized.

I don’t know whether it is sad that I don’t know more than 25% of the names or if it’s just the way I grew up in the United States. For example, do other college students know the names of government leaders in Africa and Asia or those who are in war torn areas that are trying to save women who are getting raped or children from being shipped off to work in mines. Just something to think about when you take a second and look around the world. 

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