Three Things We Should Learn from Our Dogs
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Three Things We Should Learn from Our Dogs

We can learn life lessons, even from our pets.

Three Things We Should Learn from Our Dogs

This past Christmas, I was given the greatest gift that I could have possibly received. It wasn't an expensive purse or a fancy car, it wasn't a new cell phone or guitar—it was Mia. Mia is five-and-a-half pounds of fluffy perfection and I guarantee that she is the cutest Maltese puppy you will ever see. However, I have quickly learned that Mia has much more to offer than being adorable. It may sound cliché, or sappy, but it doesn't matter because it couldn't be more true. I've learned more from Mia in these past five months than I've learned from some people that I've known for five years. I have picked up on traits that not only make up the perfect dog, but can contribute to a better me.

1. Loyalty is more than a word

Whenever I leave my house, even before I actually reach the door, Mia senses that I'm about to leave. She follows me over to the door and looks up as if she's saying "Don't leave me! I promise I will be good if you take me with you!" Even though I know I can't take her, and she essentially knows that she will be left behind for a period of time, she waits by the door whenever I leave until I come back. My favorite sight is pulling in the driveway and seeing her head pop up from inside the door and her wagging tail that follows.

She doesn't know where I'm going and she doesn't know when I'll be back, but she knows that I will eventually return and she waits for me regardless of how long it will be. If she does move from her steadfast watch by the door, as soon as I open the door, she comes running and greets me with more growing excitement each time.

As a daughter, sister, friend, and most importantly as a Christian, loyalty is an essential quality that I always try to exude, but don't always succeed with. If I take longer than expected to get back home, Mia's excitement doesn't falter. Her faith in me never wavers, because she knows that I will come back when the time is right. If God doesn't answer my prayers in my timing, or with the answer that I feel is needed, I don't run from him in fear or distress because things are happening differently than how I expected them to. Instead, I run to him with excitement for his plans that are greater than mine.

I say that my faith is stronger than my fears, but my actions and the time that I devote to God don't always reflect this statement. Whenever I leave to do what I know needs to be done, Mia has complete faith that I will be back when I can to take care of her, and she knows that I will take care of her even if I am not home at the time that she thinks I should be. As Christians, we should aspire to achieve this same level of loyalty and faith rather than just speaking it from our mouths.

2. Love is unconditional, not judgmental.

Mia loves everyone; I like to think that she loves me the most. She genuinely and sincerely adores everyone that she meets. She doesn't bark at or growl at or bite anyone. It doesn't matter what they look like, what they're wearing, where they came from or where they're going, she loves them all the same.

Love in its simplest form is unconditional. This means that true love stands the test of time because no matter the circumstances, no matter the situations, love is always the prevailing victor in all circumstances. In 1 Corinthians 13:8, the verse begins simply, "Love never fails." Although other things come to an end, such as looks, money, how popular you are in high school or who wins the position of president in your sorority, love is something that will last infinitely and eternally.

As humans, we've become incessantly judgmental over things that don't even matter in the long run. What does it really matter if you want to wear Walmart brands instead of American Eagle? Exactly, it doesn't. There is no eternal value in your clothing brand of choice, but there is such value in how you treat people and how you love those in your life.

We get caught up in loving someone for the way that they look or how they dress or the money that they make and we realize that it ends up not being love at all, but a lust over material things and outward appearances. The remainder of 1 Corinthians 13:8 says, “but where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away." All outward entities that we get caught up on will pass, but love never will.

Mia, as most dogs, loves me for the person that I am. It doesn't matter what I look like on the outside, and if we focus more on the heart rather than what people have to offer us, in romantic relationships and friendly ones, love can be restored to its holy state as unconditional.

3. Don't worry, be happy.

Mia is literally the happiest creature that I have ever met. I've never seen a dog that can whine and still be wagging her tail at the same time. She doesn't have to worry about a schedule, she's okay playing by herself as long as she isn't left completely alone, she loves to go for walks outside and play with other dogs, and she especially loves to play with her family.

We get so caught up in the hustle and bustle of our everyday lives that sometimes we forget to appreciate the little blessings that God has given us. I know that I am guilty of things like forgetting to stop and look at the sunset because I'm too busy applying for jobs, or getting upset about circumstances that don't go according to my plan rather than praising God for opening new doors that I never saw coming.

Mia doesn't have the responsibilities that we do, and she isn't able to have a job or go to school, but she is always happy. She doesn't worry about when her next meal is coming because she knows that we will feed her. She doesn't worry when we leave the house because she knows that we will always come back. She doesn't get scared when it storms because she knows we will take care of her.

Matthew 6:28-34 reads “and why do you worry about clothes? See how the flowers of the field grow. They do not labor or spin.Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you—you of little faith? So do not worry, saying, 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?' For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly father knows that you need them.But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own."

God always takes care of me, just how I always take care of Mia. She never worries that I will let her down, and I should have the same faith in God because he is a greater caretaker than I could ever even dream of being.

So next time you think about teaching your dogs to sit and then rewarding them with a treat, instead, think about the things that man's best friend can teach you and how rewarding those lessons truly can be.

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