If there is one person who has been there for me through it all, it's my mom. She carried me for nine months all the while so excited to meet her first child and be a mother. Of course, once I was born I proceeded to give my mom a solid 20 years of bullshit. And for that I'm sorry. But what can I say? I was born to be a drama queen. One thing I really need to say to my mom is thank you.
Thank you for putting up with my tantrums
I was not nor am I now, an easy child.
Thank you for always letting me have a bite of your food
Sometimes your food just looks better than mine.
Thank you for answering all of my dumb questions
From "how does this work?" to "what is this weird bump?"
Thank you for watching TV and crying with me
You cry at everything, but I'm usually crying with you.
Thank you for staying on the phone with me for hours
Even when you are about to go to bed, you stay up just to talk to me.
Thank you for your continuous support of all of my choices
You may not always agree, but you always tell me that in the end it's my choice.
Thank you for letting me make mistakes
God knows, I've made a lot of them but you make sure I learn from them.
Thank you for calming all my fears
I have a tendency to freak out and worry. You help show me that it'll be ok.
Thank you for being my excuse when I don't want to do things
"Yeah, my mom said no . . . so I can't go."
Thank you for trying to fix my problems
Unfortunately, you are 300 miles away and not all problems are solvable but you always try.
Thank you for always accepting my apology
I've had a lot to apologize for over the years. I should probably say it again so: Sorry!
Thank you for embarrassing me
I may not like it, but you're just being you.
Thank you for making sure I know that I'm loved
Some days I feel so alone and you always remind me that I'm not.
Thank you for buying me groceries when I visit
I'm a poor college student and you always make sure I have food.
Thank you for teaching me values and morals
Through you I have learned everything the guides me on the daily.
Thank you for catching me when I fall
While it may be my own fault, you help me pick up the pieces.
Thank you for always listening
I could talk to you for days about anything and you would still listen.
Thank you for holding me when I cry
I cry a lot but you're always there even if you don't know why I'm upset.
Thank you for being my best friend
There is no one I would rather spend a day with just doing nothing.
Thank you for everything you do for me. I love you Mom.