Your mom: you can't live with her, but you can't live without her. You love your mom, but she is insanely predictable. Here is a list of things your mom has probably done.
1. Leaves you voice mails.
Then they will text you to tell you they left you a voicemail.
2. When you answer, the phone says, "Hey it's Mom!", even though you have caller ID.
3. Tells you things about your friends she found out on Facebook.
"Did you know Gretta is engaged!?"
4. Fast-forwards through sex scenes.
This is the most awkward thing any human will have to experience.
5. Asks you what really provocative song lyrics mean.
"What does she mean, she loves herself?" "I don't know mom!"
6. Comments on everything you post online.
Do you just snoop on my profile all day?
7. Asks you if you are seeing anyone.
Nothing will make you feel more single then having to tell your mother you're single.
8. Tells you what she had for dinner when you aren't home.
9. Asks you the same question over and over.
That I've answered a thousand times already.
10. Tells you you need a haircut.
My hair is fine!
11. Tells you you need to start eating more.
"You look so skinny! Have you been eating?"
12. Snoops on your life.
13. Wakes you up in the morning in that annoying calm voice.
A million times.
14. Tells you she's proud of you about everything.
"You are so talented."
15. Uses lingo in the dorkiest way.
That's on fleek!
16. Asks you to vote for her favorite contestants on 'American Idol,' 'Dancing with the Stars,' or 'The Voice.'
My mom likes Kat on The Voice more than me.
17. Makes a ridiculous amount of snacks when your friends come over.
Moms make the greatest hostesses.
18. Loves you unconditionally.
No matter what, your mom is always there for you. She's your shoulder to cry on and the only person you want to talk to when you need to calm down.