18 Things You Need For Birthright
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18 Things You Need For Birthright

The ultimate packing list for your 10-day adventure

18 Things You Need For Birthright

I am very excited to announce that I will be taking a magical journey on something called Birthright this Winter Break. "What is a Birthright?" you might be asking yourself. Well let me enlighten you. Birthright is a 10-day trip through Israel for any Jewish youth between the ages of 18 and 26. Its purpose is to give the younger Jewish population a chance to go to Israel and experience the holy land for almost no cost.

On December 20, I will be traveling with a fellow member of Hillel International to take part in this incredible opportunity. I've been waiting in anticipation for this trip for about three months now and I've finally realized that, with the flight leaving in less than two weeks, I should probably start getting ready.

So for anyone else joining me on a Birthright trip of their own, here's a list of some things you're going to need 100 percent during your stay.

1. A Backpack

Hopefully, this one is pretty obvious. Besides a duffle to hold everything, you need something to shlep around when your hiking Masada

2. A Water Bottle

This one's also a given. Do not forget a water bottle, you'll take it everywhere you go and if you don't end up needing some water, I guarantee someone else will.

3. Adapters

Oh yes, you will not be able to plug in your phone or computer or camera or hair dryer or anything if you do not have an adapter. This is the Eastern Hemisphere, plugs are different.

4. Sunglasses

Don't be kvetching about how the sun's always in your eyes. This is Israel, it's sunny and fairly warm even in the winter month. Bring some glasses.

5. Headphones

You're going to be on a bus (my bus is #1277, if you want to look me up) for a large portion of the trip, not to mention the plane ride. Headphones could save your life.

6. Money

Not only will you want to buy everything you see, but you're going to want to buy gifts for everyone back home too. Don't forget a hefty amount of sheqalim.

7. Hiking Boots

These are even better than sneakers. You can hike, run, and go in the water with them. Your feet will thank you.

8. Sweaters

Contrary to popular belief, Israel is not warm all the time. It has snowed in Jerusalem and it has dropped below zero in the Negev. Bundle up because the best time to wear a striped sweater is all the time.

9. A Bathing Suit (or two)

For the Dead Sea of course! Aren't you so exciting to float in water while you relax on your back covered in mud?

10. A Good Appetite

Along with buying everything, you will also want to eat everything. Shawarma, Falafel, the whole nine yards. The food in Israel is amazing and filling so be ready.

11. Underwear and Socks (all of the underwear and socks you own)

Just bring all of it. If you have extra that's fine. Carry some in your backpack where ever you go, keep it in your luggage, you never know what's going to happen.

12. A Siddur

Nothing is more special than praying at the wall out of your very own and special siddur. If you have it, bring it. If not, don't worry there will be plenty there.

13. Ibuprofen

Like I said, you're on a bus a lot. On this bus sits other obnoxious college students. You probably won't be able to get a snack every time you feel a headache coming on, so bring a few Advil or Tylenol.

14. A Phone

Yes, yes, I know, you shouldn't be on your phone during this trip. But i know you will be anyway. Bring your stupid phone and FaceTime your parents whenever you have the chance. Have it ready to put in the numbers of all the new people you're going to meet and don't let people shame you into not bringing it.

15. A Hat

You'll have fun for those first hiking days, but you also need a hat (I'm talking to you, girls).

16. Camera

For some of you a phone will suffice, but for others who are more artistically inclined, you will want this. It doesn't have to be the most expensive camera, but Israel is so beautiful, like crazy beautiful, you'll want to capture every moment.

17. A Notepad

Besides all the time you have bonding with your bus mates, you will have some time to yourself to sit back and reflect. Bring something to write your thoughts or ideas on. It's relaxing and it'll make remembering all the good times a little easier.

18. A Good F&*%ing Attitude

I don't want you in a bad mood while we travel the country together. I don't care if you have to fake it until you make it. Be happy. You're the chosen people in the holy land for god sake. And, it'll make everyone around you happy too.

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