What They Don't Tell You About Dorm Life
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What They Don't Tell You About Dorm Life

Tips and tricks from someone who learned it all the hard way.

What They Don't Tell You About Dorm Life

School is about to start back up, and that means college kids all over are moving back into their college residencies. This means shopping for decor, shower caddies and under the bed storage, right? Sure, that's what advertisers tell you that you need, but sometimes there are little things they don't tell you about that you may or may not need. Not to mention, odds are this is probably your first time living with someone who isn't your family. Are you supposed to be their best friends? Can you set boundaries? What kind of lines can you draw? So as someone who has had to learn the hard way for two semesters, I wanna tell you a few secrets they don't tell you about living in a dorm.

1. Buy the right type of food.

Odds are, you have a dining hall at your disposal and a nice cushioned meal plan to get your three meals a day. What you're going to need is snacks. So stock up on the Chewy bars, chips, crackers, bananas, whatever your poison may be.

2. Try to stick to the basics when dorm shopping.

All colleges have dorms with different amenities, furniture, and other basics. You can even see differences from room to room in the same dorm building. So before you show up with a futon, make sure you don't already have a couch chilling in there.

3. Make a list.

..Or two, or three, or one really long one. I personally found it easiest to walk through my house and make a list of Things To Take and a list of Things To Buy.

4. ...after your list, make a pile.

Find somewhere in your house that you can pile everything you need for your dorm as you find it/pack it/buy it. This is something that everyone I know does, from freshies to fifth year seniors.

5. Invest in a bathroom/toiletries box.

Let me tell you- this is the best decision I made freshman year. I bought an average size, decorative box and put in things like floss, peroxide, bandaids, toe nail clippers, tweezers, etc. It's all together, it's out of sight, and it gives you a good reason to buy a pretty box if you're into that sort of thing.

6. Stick to the sales on most basic things, but invest in some decorative pieces that you really love.

Most dorms are military style with cinderblock walls, so decor is the thing that can make a room go from jail cell to bachelor/bachelorette pad instantly. Decorate wisely!

7. Dorms are small. Literally all of them.

They get bigger as you climb the ladder to being an upperclassman, but you're probably still sharing one bedroom with another human being, so they're going to feel small no matter what. Cherish your bedroom at home, but learn to live in the tiny room.

8. Sometimes it'll be noisy.

...and other times you'll be causing the noise. Just remember to be courteous and if anything gets too bad, talk to an RA or security.

9. Move-in is one of the best and worst experiences of your life.

No matter how many family members help you out, you'll make a million trips out to your car. Bonus if you live on any floor but the ground floor. Double bonus if you live in the south where its about 100 degrees every fall semester move-in day.

10. There is a 99% chance that you'll need to rearrange the furniture.

...and there's also a 99% chance you'll need assistance doing so. It will be confusing, and you'll wanna die, but when you get it perfect, you'll be so impressed with yourself.

11. Command hooks/command strips are no joking matter.

Literally if you want to stick anything to anything else in your dorm, these are a life-saver. They work, AND they don't damage the wall. #winning

12. Roommates can be difficult at first.

There will be something they do that drives you crazy. You'll feel awkward and uncomfortable. You'll avoid confrontation. It will be tough living with a potential stranger (or most likely an acquaintance that you kind of know just well enough to know they won't murder you in your sleep) but it will get better, I promise.

13. ...but having a roommate can also be the best thing that happens to you.

If you're lucky, your roommate will be your lifelong friend. They're like the brother/sister you never wanted!

14. Do a walkthrough and try to think of weird things you use everyday, in order to ensure you don't forget something...important.

Otherwise, you might end up losing your mind trying to open a can without a can opener. It's the little things, people.

15. You will absolutely need to take a Walmart/Target trip when you move in, because you did not plan for at least one circumstance.

I mean how were you supposed to know the air conditioner wouldn't work and you'd need a fan? Or that you literally have one plug in the whole dorm and you need a power strip? It is what it is, so go ahead and mentally prepare for it now.

16. Honestly, dorm living is one of the craziest/worst/best parts of your college career, so embrace it.

Speaking from experience, by this time next year the nerves will be gone! Instead, you'll be begging your housing director to let you move in early. Sometimes it's a struggle, but it's also a blast. Soak it in, embrace the crazy, and live for the memories!

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