The Top Ten Benefits of Being Single
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The Top Ten Benefits of Being Single

This is truly for everyone!

The Top Ten Benefits of Being Single

1. You never have to wear makeup when your friends are over...because your bae won't be one of them (I probably wouldn't wear makeup anyway lol)

2. You can focus on bettering yourself! But...actually commit to it first...I mean if it's the weekend, enjoy yourself, indulge on a double chocolate chip brownie sundae, and watch some rom-coms on Netflix...But when Monday hits...we mean business!

3. You no longer have to cringe when your partner accuses you of something so insignificant and you're completely innocent anyway!

4. You can spend less time on compromising and do the things that make you feel happy and at ease.

5. can work even harder to make your ex jealous by gaining inner and outer confidence. This could mean becoming more social, exercising, changing up your look, or working towards your dream job/position.

6. You can stop looking at your boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife for validation...because all you need is YOU to find inner-peace!!

7. You'll have a LOT more personal space!

8. You won't be so embarrassed if you sweat a tsunami in the gym. :)

9. You don't have to keep one-upping your friends by telling them how great your relationship is.

10. You can start to show gratitude towards the multitude of blessings in your life and stop over analyzing why you aren't in a relationship. It's a distraction from your life's singular purpose and destiny! You shouldn't even be in a serious relationship until you really feel like you can take on the world as a strong independent person! The truth is, when you are no longer single, it should be because the right one found you.

All my love,

Elle <3

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