Allow me to begin by stating that the inspiration for this piece of writing came to me a week or so ago while I was, of all places, at work. More specifically, I was on a break from the summer music lessons that I instruct, gazing out over the pool, enjoying the peace and the bit of sun that comes through the window, and contemplating life.
Granted that this pastime may sound a bit peculiar, it's something that I often and admittedly do to occupy vacancies in my schedule, during work or otherwise. While I am only 18 and nowhere close to knowing everything there is to know about life, this particular thought session brought me to a very intense conclusion: I realized that last summer, when I had the same routine at the same job and often stared out the window thinking about things, I was completely and totally miserable for reasons that now, only a year later, I cannot even recall or pinpoint as relevant to anything in the present day. Rather, I was at a significantly low point in my life that I was able to recognize as such only after I had gotten past it.
Perhaps more importantly, that conclusively positive thought process that I had while staring out the window at my job also allowed me to realize that I am now at a relatively high point in my life; a peak in my personal roller coaster, if you will. Things with school, work, and people have been working out for the best, and overall, I'm happy with how things are going. However, it's also quite possible that I would have taken this positivity for granted had I not come to terms with the confusion and uncertainty that I was feeling not all that long ago.
Of course, it's no secret that life has its ups and downs, and maybe even some loops, but I often find myself asking why? In my personal opinion, which has taken some time for me reach, it serves the purpose of allowing us to recognize that better days are ahead when we're down, and to fully appreciate the good in life when we are at a pinncale. In general, it's clear to see that happiness and sadness mean different things to different people, but how could we possibly feel either of these umbrella term emotions without the other? After all, the overall excitement that comes with the peak of a roller coaster isn't possible without upward or downward motion, and I truly believe that the same applies to life: You have to fully recognize and accept the lows in order to truly appreciate those highs. Life is but a roller coaster that we have no choice but to strap ourselves into and enjoy the ride.