I’m going to start my article off with a leap here and assume you’ve probably seen the movie "Neighbors." You know, that fraternity flick from last year with Zac Efron and Dave Franco where a rowdy fraternity moves in next door to a happy couple (Seth Rogan and Rose Byrne) that is trying to adjust to life with a baby? Good luck to them--right??
Yeah I'm talking about these two fabulous studs. Look at that form. They must be in a frat!
I hope I’m ringing a bell. But in case I’m not or if you missed out on the movie…
Let’s go back to 1978 and take a quick peek at a similar film:
I really shouldn't have to say the title for this but...
"Animal House"
I’m sure you know this classic tale: Wild and crazy fraternity gets shut down by the school’s dean because they drink, they party, they make out with the mayors underage daughter and even hook up with the dean’s wife. They take pride in low grades and their adept ability to destroy homecoming parades! How absolutely FRAT of them!
To most people this image below is the fraternity standard!
Here's "Bluto" as he helps solidify this oh-so-Greek standard of excellence!
Taking a look at these two films (and probably every fraternity flick you've seen) I'd like to ask you:
What is the common denominator?
Drinking? Being Loud? Being an overwhelming and ignorant a**-wipe?
Yup. I think so? Maybe?
These seem to be some of the common ingredients for creating the quintessential “Fratboy” -- or at least that's how the media would have you view it!
As much as I would like to tell you that I wake up early on Monday mornings just to get in my morning keg-stand before Info 200, I can’t. Regretfully, the stereotypes just don’t quite match up with reality.
It's now my time to shine and disappoint anyone who might not know what it's like to live in a fraternity on your average day!
Being Greek myself and having lived the last year in my fraternity home, I feel like I have enough insight to share with you my usual routine:
- I wake up and get ready for my morning classes.
- I struggle to stay awake for my first class and force myself to write down every word the professor says so I can go over it “later.”
- After my classes I head back to the fraternity and eat some lunch. Maybe I go back to class depending on the day.
- I go the gym or do something fun with my friends to give my mind a break from school. Maybe even both—gosh who knows!
- I eat some dinner and relax/procrastinate for a little bit.
- I get down on some homework while I listen to a relaxing study music playlist I randomly found on YouTube. Maybe it's Celine Dion -- but hey let's not judge people too quickly! That's for a different article!
- I go to bed.
So that’s a normal day.
But what about party days?
- Wake up.
- Drink.
- Get Faded.
- Drink.
Whoops! Sorry I forget I’m not Kendrick sometimes—MY BAD!
Back on track now:
- I wake up and get ready for my morning classes.
- I struggle to stay awake for my first class and force myself to write down every word the professor says so I can go over it “later”. (I promise I will, Mom)
- After my classes I head back to the fraternity and eat lunch. Maybe I go back to class depending on the day.
- I do my homework because HEY GUESS WHAT I have fairly average time management skills and I want to have fun later. Yaaaaaaaay!
- I enjoy some delicious chef-cooked dinner that I didn't even have to walk to "The Ave" for.
- I finish any homework and then find myself an appropriate outfit for the night’s event.
- I drink and have fun!
- Bedtime. (OK sometimes “couch” is pretty much equivalent to “bed” on these nights).
There you
have it. It’s not extraordinary. It’s not "Animal House"-worthy. On my average
day I don’t even go through 14 beers!
I only go through maybe four.
So, sadly being a "frat bro" is not at all what the media hypes it up to be.
Fun? Yup.
Rowdy Jerks? Nope.
(Let's hope most developed fraternities can say this.)
School Important? Yup.
(We gotta maintain that house average of a 3.3!)
Do I like E-40? Yup.
But did I hear about him before 2011? Nope.
To conclude my second piece for the Odyssey I would like to sincerely apologize to my readers.
I’m sorry I don’t live up to the stereotype.
I’m sorry I don’t shotgun a beer or two before class.
I’m sorry I’m up way too late into the night blasting loud music… (in my headphones while I study).
I’m sorry that I care about doing well in school and making sure my fraternity promotes a positive image.
I’m especially sorry if you choose to believe all of the harmful labels and generalizations that are attributed to Greeks across the nation.
And I’m especially sorry for when these labels and generalizations prove true.
But I'm more sorry if you don't believe that we're on the way to fixing them.
Hope this provided a couple laughs and a quick stroke of insight on the issue.