The Death Of The Elephant And Donkey Show
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The Death Of The Elephant And Donkey Show

Americans Want A New Voice

The Death Of The Elephant And Donkey Show
chayka1270/ Pixabay

According to a recent Politico poll, 50-percent of voters desire an alternative to the Democratic and Republican parties. Slightly more than a third of respondents expressed that they are more than likely to vote for an independent candidate in the upcoming 2020 presidential election.

Overall, just over a fifth of voters are satisfied with the representation provided by the two major parties. Furthermore, 45-percent of both polled Republican and Democrat voters believe that it's time for a new party to emerge to the forefront. These sentiments bode well for candidates, such as Bernie Sanders and Howard Schultz, who are considering running as independent candidates in 2020.

In a nation where social inequity is a growing problem, more individuals are choosing independent representatives. In fact, the Politico survey revealed that 35-percent of respondents believe that they are likely to vote independent in the next election.

Among respondent voters, 25-percent were Republican, 49-percent were independent and 30-percent were Democrats. These numbers spell trouble for Dems and Republicans because the growing anti-partisan sentiment weakens their position in the polls.

It's important to note that overall 56-percent of respondents remain loyal to a mainstream party. 59-percent of respondents expressed that they will vote Republican in the next election, and 53-percent stated that they will continue to vote for Dems.

Many U.S. Voters Aren't Satisfied With Their Current Representation

These numbers show that approval ratings have dropped drastically for both parties. In total, only 22-percent of respondents are satisfied with how mainstream party leaders represent Americans. By party, this includes 26-percent of Republicans and 31-percent of Democratic voters.

In part, this sentiment may stem from the fact that even among their own factions, politicians within the same bloc can't seem to work together, and – of course – conflict is even worse across party boundaries. Meanwhile, the problems troubling the nation continue to go unresolved.

As an example, the annual State of the Union Address is mandated by the Constitution. This is one of the most basic principles of the United States government. Nevertheless, this fundamental tenet is an area of contention among Republicans and Democrats.

If the nation's representatives can't work through a formality as basic as the State of the Union Address, how can they effectively lead a nation? Amidst this turmoil, the Libertarian party – the nation's third largest political sect – held their own State of the Union function.

Libertarian representatives express that they were happy to pick up the ball where the Dems and Republicans dropped it. Furthermore, they voiced that it was an opportunity to highlight America's successes.

It Seems That Right and Wrong Is Being Forsaken for Politics

One incident in particular highlights the disconnect between America's representatives and its constituents. The current Republican regime's efforts to bolster its political standing by rallying Americans behind opposition to the massive Central American caravan backfired miserably. While politicians viewed the group as a threat, constituents saw them for who they are – a large group of people fleeing horrid circumstances.

Biased migration policies are a global problem. However, it's unsettling that a nation that's built on immigration has forgotten its roots.

Somewhere along the line, America's leaders have disavowed its past. It would appear that while the nation's representatives think it's a good idea to campaign on a platform of keeping America exclusive, United States citizens don't share this sentiment – at all.

From an international perspective, the Central American caravan was a humanitarian crisis. In America, however, it was merely political leverage. This was very disconcerting for voters who felt as though election officials simply used the crisis as a marketing tool, with no regard for the pain and suffering of the individuals in the caravan.

Ostensibly, the nation's leaders view the caravan as an invading force. Somehow, they forgot that those individuals are human beings. In their handling of the situation, the government failed them – and America.

The Rise of the Independent Voters of California

California voters are among the top group who reject Republican and Democratic representation. In fact, independent voters are very close to outnumbering Republican supporters in the state.

The Republican Party hasn't won an election in California in over a decade. Furthermore, they're struggling to retain limited influence, and their problems in California don't stop there. The Republican party, which has already fallen behind the Dems, is now threatened by losing even more influence to independent candidates.

A government-led survey revealed that over 12 million people abused opioids in a single year. With these kinds of numbers, the percentage of people who are affected is massive, and they want the government to do something about it. The nation's enterprises seem more vested in protecting the public's interest, versus the candidate's that the population has elected for representation. No wonder the public is losing its faith in the nation's elected representatives.

It's no surprise then that voters are tired of waiting for either of the parties to make progress in improving the quality of life in America. The surge of pessimism regarding the performance of the two parties is a testament to the fact that the nation's voters recognize that it's time for a change. In California, for instance, Republican voters outnumbered independent voters by only 30,000 people in a state with 18 million registered voters.

Slowly but surely, the Democratic and Republican parties are losing their influence. Now, independent voters – who were a nominal faction only a decade and a half ago – may soon represent the largest segment of constituents in the nation.
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