10 Ways Having Anxiety May Help You | The Odyssey Online
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10 Ways Having Anxiety May Help You

Anxiety makes you appreciate the little things in life.

10 Ways Having Anxiety May Help You

Mental health is one of the most important aspects to a sustainable, happy life. However, the stigma about mental health illnesses wrongly judges people with disorders. While taking proper action to subdue the symptoms of anxiety is important, understanding that you are normal is the key to a happy life with anxiety. In fact, you might even be better off than you think. Anxiety is not your definition, and it's not all bad! Society may try imply that your mental health disorder means your inferior. But, here's why society is completely wrong:

1. You're more cautious.

This is basically the epitome of anxiety. You obsessively overanalyze every action you take as an attempt to get a positive outcome. While some may see overthinking as a negative, it means that you take more time before you make a decision, and put more thought into decision-making. I don't see anything but positives from that!

2. You know yourself in a different and deeper way.

Anxiety is a personal journey. Not every journey is taken on the same path. But with anxiety you learn more about yourself throughout the process of coping. You begin to understand your reactions and eventually learn how to subdue them.

3. You can appreciate a good night's sleep.

One of the worst parts about anxiety is when it affects your sleep. You have a lot on our mind one night, stressing about every little detail in your life, which leads to some sleeping issues. For me, its sleep paralysis upon waking, or constantly waking up through the night. But, when I get a good night's sleep, there is no one who can appreciate it more.

4. You feel more connected with others who have anxiety.

Bonding with people who also have anxiety can create a deep relationship. It is kind of inexplainable, but when you have the conversation about your mutual anxiety issues, you feel extremely connected to them. Since it is a mental health disorder, the connection goes way deeper than the surface.

5. Taking care of your health is an obligation, not a suggestion.

Before I learned about anxiety, keeping up with my health was something that was suggested in health class and Physical Education class. I didn't really take it too seriously because, well, I didn't really need to. Today, there is nothing more important for my physical, emotional and mental awareness than to exert my body in the gym, and take time out of my day to free my mind.

6. You learn to live in the present

One of the biggest positives about anxiety. I like to look at anxiety as a lesson. You can either accept what you are dealt, or try to deny it, only to make your situation worse. When you accept your anxiety, you learn the importance of living in the moment. Too much of the negativity of anxiety comes from fear of the future, or the consequences of your past.

7. You come to understand perspective

With anxiety, it is easy to get caught up in emotions and thoughts. However, with practice to subdue anxiety, you learn how amazing perspective is. Yes, it seems like a the world is crushing down around you in the moment, but when you can take control to find a positive, everything changes.

8. You have a deeper appreciation for a peaceful mind

No one likes to constantly have their mind buzzing with thoughts and worries. However, when you have constant anxiety, this is a never-ending cycle. But when you do find those rare moments to clear your head and find inner peace, you appreciate it immensely.

9. You learn who you are and why you react the way you do.

One of the best ways to cope with anxiety is to understand that you can't control your natural reactions. Sure, it would be nice to control what we think and why we think it, but it's just not possible! The best thing you can do is listen to your mind, figure out how it words, and avoid situations that naturally cause bad reactions. Thats a tip for everyone, not just people with anxiety!

10. You have been introduced to new coping methods for just about any situation.

Meditation, yoga, exercise. There are so many methods to coping with anxiety, and all of them have many other benefits, too!

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