Ten Easy Ways To Be A Happier Version Of Yourself In 2016
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Ten Easy Ways To Be A Happier Version Of Yourself In 2016

Ten Easy Ways To Be A Happier Version Of Yourself In 2016

So it's a new year, which means everyone suddenly feels compelled to make a New Year's Resolution (or several) that will most likely not be fulfilled. I hate the term "New year, new me." The start of a new year does not mean you will (or should) change into an entirely different person. So instead of making yet another empty promise to yourself requiring you to adopt a whole new diet or lose five pounds, try to focus on smaller goals that can lead to a happier, more positive lifestyle. If you follow even one of these tips next year, you just might find yourself smiling a little more and feeling less stressed -- because mental health is just as important as physical health. So here's to a new year focused on embracing the amazing person you already are.

1. Start acting the way you want to feel.

This is kind of a version of "Fake it 'til you make it" -- but, suprisingly, it works. If you think positively and smile more often, you will quickly adopt a happier attitude. Instead of groaning and complaining about it only being Monday, pretend it's a Friday, put a smile on your face and carry a more positive mindset with you the entire day. With time, you'll start to dread the beginning of the week less and less. People around you might even start to take notice of your cheery attitude, which could make them happier as well. It's a win-win situation. Like Roald Dahl said, "If you have good thoughts, it will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely." So turn that frown upside down!

2. Pick one argument per day to "let go."

I know, I know, you have to be right and let everyone around you know it. But arguing sucks, and more often than not, it's really not worth the fight because people are usually stubborn in their views and you can't change everyone's minds. Like the saying goes, "You have to choose your battles." Often times after an argument, people are left feeling worse than they did before the confrontation if it's not handled well. Obviously, you should stand up for yourself, but sometimes it's better to let the little things go so you don't end up feeling angry or making someone else upset. Because, in the grand scheme of things, does it really matter if your sister spilled ketchup on your favorite shirt?

3. Give at least three people compliments today.

This one doesn't need much explanation. People love compliments, and it will definitely make their day. So why not spread a little happiness here and there? It could end up being a domino effect; you tell one girl you love her shirt, then she tips the barista at the coffee shop a little extra, and so on. Kindness is free, so why not sprinkle that s*** everywhere?

4. Get more sleep.

I admit I am guilty of staying up way later than I should many nights, especially when I'm at school. Instead of leaving your ten-page paper until the last minute or staying out 'til the wee hours of the night when you have an 8 AM class the next morning, get some much-needed rest so you can take on the following day. I get it, it's college, and everyone else is still awake and having fun, or you have a ton of work to do. But sleep is extremely important. You're not doing anyone any favors by forcing yourself to stay awake when both your body and your mind need a break. If you take care of yourself by getting in those extra Zzzs, I promise you'll start to feel immensely better in more ways than one.

5. Tidy your workspace and bedroom.

I'm not sure if I heard this somewhere or just discovered it myself, but this is one of my life mottos: Clear space, clear mind. When you get rid of clutter, you get a lot more things done and your creativity seems to flourish more. A lack of organization can cause stress, so it's highly beneficial to tidy up once in a while, especially if it's the area where you spend time focusing on homework or studying. Without all the distractions on your desk and the area around it, it's a lot easier to think clearly and be productive. Even if you just spend five minutes per day tidying up, you'll feel more motivated to get things done, which will leave you in a much better mood.

6. Pick one new or different thing to try each month.

This doesn't have to be anything earth-shattering. Pick up a book you've been "too busy" to read. Take a weekend trip with friends to a city you've never been before. Learn how to use Photoshop. Get a membership at a local yoga studio. Trying 12 new things per year is not a hard thing to do, but it will make you feel much more accomplished.

7. Listen to upbeat music.

This is kind of an obvious one. Music has the amazing ability to alter your mood instantly, so instead of listening to sad songs, create playlists with happy ones. And don't be afraid to dance or sing along as well -- studies have shown that dancing releases more endorphins than any other form of exercise.

8. Love what you wear.

Like the queen of fashion, Rachel Zoe, said, "Style is a way to say who you are without having to speak." When you believe that you look good, it changes the way you feel. Wear what makes you feel comfortable and happy -- it'll increase your confidence immensely.

9. Put down your phone when you're out with people.

Don't get distracted by the digital world instead of living in the real one. When you're hanging out with friends or family, spend that time talking and laughing with them without checking Twitter or Instagram every five minutes. Here's a helpful game that my friends and I play: When you're at a restaurant, have everyone put their phones in the center of the table, face down. Whoever is the first one to grab their phone during the meal has to pick up the check. When you live in the present moment and appreciate the presence of the people around you, I guarantee you'll enjoy life more than you would if you just "live" through a screen.

10. Stop beating yourself up.

If you eat more sweets than you "should," don't workout for a whole week, or get a D on a test, it's okay. You're not perfect; no one is. You're going to make mistakes and not always do as well as you want to be doing, but that's part of life. So don't beat yourself up about anything -- just try your best and allow yourself to mess up sometimes. After all, you're only human.

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