"Talent" Isn't Quite Talent Anymore
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"Talent" Isn't Quite Talent Anymore

What happened to the good stuff?

"Talent" Isn't Quite Talent Anymore

Growing up in my generation, we were exposed to so many opportunities and experiences that may be gone before long. It is said that our generation is the last to know what a good ol’ fashion childhood really was. I remember the day I received my first keyboard, and boy, was that one of the best days of my life. I remember banging around on the keys, hoping I would miraculously teach myself how to play, and without any luck, I stuck to playing with the keys that made the odd sound effects you and your friends would immaturely giggle at for hours.

I remember watching videos during the brief amount of time I was allowed on the computer, in awe of people who could play and telling myself that, without a doubt, I would be one of them some day. Although I’m not sure it’s still a thing, the year you entered fourth grade at my school was the year you were finally eligible to enter the infamous school talent show. I remember coming home from school every day and practicing what I planned on performing at the end of the year— when I wasn’t giving my parents a headache, I was giving myself one.

I never ended up playing in the talent show, due to chickening out a couple days before, but I remember walking into the cafeteria on performance day excited to see what each performing kid had to offer. There were always those few kids who took it as a joke, but there were also those few kids who took it seriously as well. Each year there was always someone who stole the spotlight, and each year I told myself I would outshine them the next year, but I always decided otherwise.

The other day, while being the lazy bum that I usually am, I was scrolling through some Facebook videos hoping to find a good laugh to start off my day when I came across a video recorded during a school talent show that involved nothing more than a student and a half full water bottle. His talent for the year was performing the water bottle flip, and not only did this so called “talent” steal the show, he won the internet.

I kept re-watching, thinking there was more to it, but to my surprise there was nothing more to it. This was just an ordinary kid getting fame from a 30 second video, and this is what really got me thinking about all the ridiculous “talents” we consider to be worth recognizing.

After the release of 'Pokémon Go', the popularity of the game began increasing so much that a scholarship for the game was offered to students who were top finishers at the Pokémon U.S National Championships and World Championships. Now, I don’t know about anybody else, but the second I heard about this, my jaw dropped. I understand that there are thousands of hobbies out there for people and I get that people find interest in different things, but what is so difficult and special about somebody using the GPS in their phone to track down Pokémon?

I’m no gamer, but it didn’t take rocket science for me to figure the game out. All these people who are becoming Vine famous, for what? Daniel went out and bought a pair of white vans because maybe he felt that he needed some shoes that went with everything he had in his closet and little did he know that before long they would sell for thousands of dollars on eBay. The Kardashians have their very own TV show, and besides the fact that they’ve all been on the front of some kind of magazine and date NBA players and rappers, I see no importance in a sex tape or nude shots.

This recognition that we are spoon feeding people nowadays is ridiculous, considering it takes no effort except a simple click of a share button. Talent just isn’t talent anymore, and I think this is why people are losing interest in the real stuff, such as sports, arts and music.

Social media is definitely to blame for this as well, but we’re straying away from the stuff that matters. People who actually deserve the credit are the ones working through their sweat and blood, and I believe these are the people who deserve it the most. I’m scared to see what the next generation has to offer -- and who knows, they might just surprise us, but if they’re anything like us, we’re in trouble.

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