You wouldn't guess it, but being a desk receptionist isn't all it's cracked up to be. From dealing with difficult people to finding ways to pass the time other than working, it can be a lot to handle. Whether it be good, bad, or just mediocre, it's all in a day's work! It may not be the most glamorous or rewarding job, but someone's gotta do it. And though nothing may change our responsibilities, we all can empathize with the struggles desk receptionists encounter on a daily basis:
1. When you wake up thinking of all the people you'll have to cheerfully greet today
2. When people try making small talk to alleviate the awkwardness as they are waiting for someone when you really just want to get back to work
3. When you are asked a question that you would absolutely never know the answer to
4. When you have to remind yourself to be grateful you have a job in general and that this will help make things better for you in the long run
5. When you're listening to music and all of a sudden a catchy but really inappropriate song comes on
6. When you're trying to discretely avoid eye contact but secretly trying to overhear someone else's conversation because you're nosy and bored out of your mind
7. When you merely ask a person, "How can I help you?" and a person recants to you their entire life story with more than information than you ever needed to hear
8. When you contemplate going under the desk to take a nap and wonder if anyone would notice
9. When you're on a break and don't even know what to do with yourself
10. When you actually try getting work done at the moment when everyone needs your constant attention
It's a tough job, but someone's gotta do it. Just know at the end of the day you survived and helped others along the way. Journey on, my fellow desk receptionists.