Stop Hate!
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Stop Hate!

What we can do from now on

Stop Hate!
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The times are always changing, technology is always evolving, but the hate has always lingered. Hate is a plague, arguably one of the worst kinds of diseases, which infects and brainwashes people both on an individual level and on a large scale (like organizations that feed on self-supremacy), and affects people on a world-wide scale. We all have our own lives, and it's important for people to keep their well-beings up, but we can't forget the struggles of humanity. We can't just brush off the hatred and violence if it doesn't directly affect our individual lives. We can't just keep moving forward without dealing with this once and for all.

The world is most interconnected now more than ever, which is one of the greatest steps forward for humankind, because of the fact that more and more people every day are informed and educated about the world. Through social media, awareness becomes concentrated, and issues are reflected upon collectively. However, we can't forget that interconnection is also another means for hate to be spread, and it makes it even easier to brainwash people into taking a step in the wrong direction. Social media gives every individual the chance to talk about what they believe in and learn whatever they want to learn about, which is why hate continues to linger. Those who are filled with hate come into contact with each other and spread their poison to young minds.

Hate does not only come in the form of killings, but killings are the end of the line for those who hate. And as more killings occur, more hate-bearers get ideas through desensitization, and more tragedies occur. Things just keep getting worse, to the point where our beloved NBA stars have to make a stand about this worldwide issue at an award ceremony. This is how serious and prominent (yet looked past) hate STILL is, and it's time for something to be done by us, the common people. Those who we look up to on the big screen have been pushing society towards the path of awareness, but it's time for us to embrace the movement. These day-to-day tragedies continue to occur because instead of stopping these people and preventing these tragedies, we ignore them, and we let them happen. Every time one of these events takes place, we are shocked, as if each time is the first time. We hope that these tragedies come to a halt, and we mourn the victims, but there's so much more that goes into these issues.

Mental health plays a role, and those who are consumed by hate (especially with unstable mental health) are the ones who are neglected by society and treated as potential threats in the first place. We hear about the mass shootings, feel the tragedy, and move on. We continue to grow apart from those who hate, and the line between hate-bearers and everybody else becomes more and more dense. If this line continues to harden, then all of the hate in the world will become one big force, creating a class of people driven by hatred, and it just might be too late to do anything about it. But there is something we can do about this issue now and over time before it's too late, we can prevent these tragedies from repeating endlessly. Instead of avoiding these people and talking about how the hate exists, we can extinguish their hate. Awareness doesn't necessarily mean solution. However, that doesn't mean we should start fighting these people, because that will only cause war, one of our endless/biggest struggles. No. I'm talking about something unthinkable to many. I'm talking about reminding the hate-bearers the value of being a good and happy person. Connecting with these people, instead of avoiding them like they're monsters. Essentially, steering them away from their possible paths of hatred.

Prevention is the only feasible option, because it's the only way to help someone before they're too far gone, before their hate consumes them entirely, and they find it okay to start hurting and even killing others. We have to reach out to those who hate, and rid them of their hatred. I cannot stress that point enough. Of all the diseases, this is the one that is easiest to cure (sometimes through just simple interactions, and love), but the most difficult to overcome. As it spreads like wildfire and burns civilization, the flames raging on, fueled by the neglected dry leaves having fallen from the tree known as society. And I know that I'm just one of many thousands of everyday people talking about these tragedies and the hatred in the world, but it's time that everybody starts doing something. Otherwise, it's the same news on repeat, people like me will keep talking about it forever, and why would we want the next generation to have to go through this? It's time for us to take action: let's help everybody by helping those with hate in their hearts.

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