I Still Love My Louisiana
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I Still Love My Louisiana

Always #LouisianaStrong

I Still Love My Louisiana

I've always been a Louisiana girl. Born and raised in the boot, I've come to know and appreciate its uniqueness and charms that are absent from anywhere else in the world. I know I speak for many Louisianians when I say that because of Louisiana, nowhere else could ever be home for me.

That is why it saddens me to see many from other places degrading our sweet, southern state. Statements like "Why would you want to live somewhere with such low morals, erratic gun violence, and outspoken, uneducated hillbillies?" evoke rage in a Cajun's heart. Recently, there were some negative comments made from bordering states that by "coming to the rescue in our pirogues and airboats" we were only feeding the poor stereotype that we've placed on ourselves.

Naturally, I wanted to strike back with the typical state-to-state rivalries, but my "mama raised me right" (thank you southern manners and hospitality). Instead, let me show pride and dignity with 5 reasons why I still love my Louisiana.

1. Hurricanes.

Why would I want to live somewhere that so frequently endures a certain natural disaster that it has a whole season dedicated to it? Look, every place is affected by something. Some states have fault lines that unpredictably shake the earth around them. Others are guaranteed to have blinding snowstorms that bury their vehicles or tornadoes that funnel down on a moment's notice, destroying everything in its path. Sure, hurricanes are destructive, but we always know when they're coming, and usually have between 3 days to 7 days to plan accordingly. As far as disasters go, they are the most predictable and definitely the one I'd choose, you know since I have to.

2. Our many dialects.

Typically, a person's speech can pinpoint them to a certain state. Bostonians are known for their uptown Irish-Italian swing while spotting the twang of a Belle from Alabama is easy as pie. But Louisiana is its own melting pot of accents and tongues. You won't only know a Louisianian by their accent, but also where in the state they are from. Each parish is soaked in its own blend of culture and language that can't help but manipulate its people. With all of our different diction, it's marveling how we all share one thing quite exclusively: Louisiana Pride.

3. Our "crazy" weather.

Visitors to Louisiana always seem to notice how "strange" our weather is. Honestly, strange seems a little harsh. Sure, 100% humidity can make keeping your hair perfectly straight almost impossible, but fortunately we Louisiana girls realize there is an inner beauty and southern spunk within us that can't be tamed with a flat iron. Also, there's something freeing about being able to walk outside in shorts and bare feet on Christmas morning, and when it gets too hot outside, we have hidden gems like cooleys and lakes to keep us cool. Unusual maybe, rare at most, but never strange.

4. Our dedication to family.

There are just some things you can't deny, and one of those is sweet, southern hospitality. We value our children in giving them God and manners and teaching them that a love of others trumps a love of self. Fathers teach their sons to hold doors and respect Mama, while Mamas teach their girls that there is no shame in a well-cooked meal and a well-kept home. Say what you will, but a Louisianian always welcomes an outsider as one of their own and fills their bellies with recipes passed down from centuries before them.

5. Our dedication to each other.

Never in Louisiana is it "someone else's problem". You have a baby, we send a meal. Your car breaks down on the highway, and we are more than willing to stop. And when your city is saturated by relentless rains and overflowing basins, you can believe that we are "flying in with our pirogues and airboats", because you never leave another Louisianian stranded.

Lately, Louisiana has been plagued with so much disaster and sorrow. Yet, with our neighbors under water, we have not forgotten that for all of our differences and distance, we are still just that: neighbors. We believe in the preservation of our state, and thus, the preservation of our people. It is with selfless hearts that so many have stepped up as volunteers to rescue those in need. Peace sings in my heart because I know we can't be defeated, and that we are strongest amidst flames. You can't put us out, and you won't put us down. I have never been more proud of my Louisiana.

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