Spring Break In A Small Town | The Odyssey Online
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Spring Break In A Small Town

It can be fun; I promise!

Spring Break In A Small Town
Spark Notes

It’s spring break season! If you’re a poor college kid or even a high schooler stuck at home for break, don’t worry; you can still have a good time! Sure, you may not be swimming with dolphins in Florida, partying in Cancun, or climbing mountains in Colorado, but there are fun things you can do even if you live in a small town! My town has no movie theater, bowling alley, skating rinks, malls, etc. We have a lot of restaurants and a big Walmart, but those don’t exactly scream “spring break." Here’s 10 ways you can make your days over break go by a little faster.

1. Have a Picnic

This is a thing that people still do. You don’t need a basket; you don’t even need one of those fancy red and white checkered blankets. My friend and I went to Subway, then we went to the park and sat at a picnic table. It was such a nice change of scenery from a college dining hall!

2. Go to a playground

Bring out your inner child! Of course, if actual children are there, let them have their fun first. It was so great getting to swing again, though. It was exhilarating getting to remember the feeling of breeze through my hair as I swung back and forth. They should definitely make playgrounds for adults.

3. Paint pottery-or just craft

Maybe your small town doesn’t have an art center like mine does. That’s okay! There’s lots of cool DIY tricks on Instagram, Pinterest, YouTube, or anywhere else on the internet. You really only need a mug, some Sharpies, and an oven. Either way, once you’re done, you’ll have a great new mug to drink coffee or tea out of! If you’re not a mug person, you can pick something else…it’ll still be fun! If you want something a little easier, try an adult coloring book; I never wanted one, but I finally caved and don’t regret it!

4. Spend time with family

Hey, we are home, aren’t we? Mom and Dad (or another guardian) are probably excited to have you back and want to know how school has been. Shoot some hoops with your little brother, do your little sis’s nails. Just get some good ole quality family time. Have a family game night! Now that you’re an adult, you’ll realize just how much you miss being home.

5. Get ready for summer work

Now is a good time to start applying for summer jobs. It feels early, but if your town really is small, you’re going to want to get ahead of the game and snag those opportunities. Your wallet will thank you later. If you want something a little different, though, try looking for places to volunteer!

6. Catch up with high school friends

If you’re lucky enough to be on spring break at the same time as another friend (or friends), hit them up! College friends are wonderful, but there’s something about an old favorite spot in town with a long-time friend that can’t be beaten. You know you miss them, so go see them!

7. Read a book

It’s great to free your mind in a way that’s not dependent on a charger. I finally read “The Great Gatsby” all the way through. (Sorry, high school English teachers!) If you hate reading, though, just go for that Netflix marathon like you were going to anyway.

8. Shop (and eat) locally

Home sweet home; am I right? Get that hometown feel back by ordering some of your old favorite foods from your old favorite restaurants. Go walk around some family-owned small business. Check out the local bookstore or even library! Sure, it may be a little more expensive, but you can’t beat local!

9. Get ahead with work

This is the most unrealistic thing on the list. If you are really bored, though, knock some of those readings out on your syllabi. At least, you’ll get to relax more once you get back to school. You’ll thank yourself later!

10. Sleep

This is the most realistic thing on the list. When in doubt, stay in your pajamas, cover up in your fluffy blanket, forget alarm clocks exist and just snooze. Hey, you’ve gotta be fully re-charged to take on the rest of the semester, right?

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