Spirit Animals: How they can help you in your life
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Spirit Animals: How they can help you in your life

Each Person is connected to animal spirits or totems throughout their lives

spirit animal

According to Native American lore, each person is connected to nine animal spirits or totems throughout their lives. These animal spirits are guides that light your way when you need it most. One of them is your main totem, which is always with you. The others enter and leave your consciousness according to your situation.

I am not given to strange spiritual practices. However, this spirit animal concept has had an incredibly positive impact on my life. I think you could also have it in yours. As a writer, the symbology of animal spirits can also reinforce your dedication.
Choose a spirit animal

Sometimes an animal appears in my mind or in my life with unusual frequency, or arouses an obsessive curiosity. Other times, an animal appears during a dream, meditation, or sudden insight. When these things happen, I investigate the symbolism of that animal. I have always found that it taught me something important to overcome the obstacles I faced at the time.

The symbology of a totem animal focuses my mind, clarifies my goals, reinforces my intention to achieve them, and fills me with positivity.

An animal for each stage

In the past, the butterfly, the snake, the elephant, and the turtle have sustained me with their wisdom (you can see their symbology below). But these animal spirits, although they are part of my history and personality, were not the ones I needed at this time. This is because at each stage of life you evolve and your needs change.

Today I face the typical challenges of any writer: difficult or slow-moving stories, little time to write, rejected manuscripts. It is not always easy to stay positive when things do not go your way.

Also, as a small business owner, I have a thousand questions: am I focusing on the right priorities? What type of audience should I focus on? What is the most practical way to use social networks? Can I balance my business with my writing? There are days when the mountain of new things to learn and do seems insurmountable.

Though I had longed for a spirit animal to guide me right now, I could not think of what it might be.

Two months ago, I went to spend a weekend with some friends in the countryside. On Sunday I got up before anyone else and sat in the garden to meditate. I had barely started when I heard a persistent buzz. I opened my eyes and saw a hummingbird flying around me. I had seen hummingbirds many times in the garden of my house with no effect other than thinking: "How beautiful!". But that day my heart skipped a beat. "Is it a spirit animal, who wants to tell me something?" I asked myself.

I closed my eyes and continued meditating. I was still and quiet, with my eyes closed for about half an hour. The hummingbird stayed with me, buzzing around me, now ahead, now behind, relentlessly. I felt an immense affinity and joy.

As soon as I finished meditating, I investigated the symbolism of it. It fit me like a glove.

Hummingbird symbolism

The hummingbird, despite being the smallest bird that exists, is capable of great feats. It flies more than 3,000 kilometers in search of food, and it is the only bird that knows how to fly in all directions, including backwards. Since it constantly flaps its wings, it requires a lot of energy. It consumes up to three times its body weight in a day, mostly nectar from flowers, contributing to the pollination process.

The hummingbird symbolizes the joy of living, inexhaustible energy, endurance, and adaptability. As a spirit animal, it reminds us to focus on the positive and enjoy the sweetness of each moment, just like this little bird constantly enjoys the nectar of flowers. His ability to fly backwards shows that we can remember our past, but we should not get stuck in it (something essential for me, who writes memoirs).

The hummingbird invites us to discover that the sweetest nectar is within us. Like the hummingbird, which relentlessly flies long distances to enjoy its food, we can enjoy the fruits of our labor if we dedicate ourselves with persistence and endurance. In this way we can share the beauty that we carry within with the world, just as the hummingbird shares its beautiful colors and creates more flowers through pollination.

The hummingbird is also a symbol of healing and guidance in tough times. As a writer and memoir teacher, I see my work to heal—myself and others—through words, so I identify with it.

Find your Spirit Animal
I encourage you to seek out your spirit animal or totem and let yourself be guided by it. You can find information about animal spirits at the library or online. When I choose (or rather, choose me) a spirit animal, I consult several books written by traditional Native American healers, shamans, and psychologists, as well as websites (I list three books below).

Once you discover your spirit animal, keep it in mind often, to remember its teachings. Use paintings, decorative objects, computer screens or even a tattoo to achieve it.

Here is a summary of the symbology of the other animal spirits that have guided me on my path.

Animal spirits that can help you;


Its basic quality is transformation. His metamorphosis symbolizes emerging from darkness into light to offer the world the beauty we are meant to create. The butterfly can help you summon the courage to break out of limiting situations like a cocoon limits a caterpillar.

His basic qualities are strength and determination. The elephant can help you overcome obstacles that seem insurmountable. These obstacles can be mental (negative beliefs), emotional (fear, doubt, shame, or shame), or physical (other people or things). It shows that persevering can help you achieve your goals. It also symbolizes the affinity to learn and imbibe wisdom and to help others.

Its basic qualities are rebirth and healing. The snake helps you get rid of any negative circumstance that is in your life to start a new path. Transforms the poison into a healing element. Increase your primary and sexual vitality.

Her quality is Mother Earth. The tortoise teaches us to grow at our own deliberate pace. We can swim in the depth of our subconscious and then give birth to the inspiration and creation that we carry within. We respect the earth and other beings.


One of the characteristics that must be considered when dealing with a person who has the bee as an animal of power is that, even if he is a hard worker, he will always focus that work on the benefit of the community. That is, people who are protected by the totem of the bee are people who prefer to stay in the background rather than being protagonists.

The Swan stands for divine grace and beauty itself. Symbol of the mysteries of magic, he dances auspiciously through the waters while leaving a trail of transformation. The Swan heralds the rebirth of life and brings us the pure gift of intuition that emanates from the celestial spheres. He teaches us to listen attentively to the voice of our Spirit and to navigate gracefully through the infinite rivers of conscience.

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