Sophomore Slump Or Comeback Of The Year? | The Odyssey Online
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Sophomore Slump Or Comeback Of The Year?

How To Salvage Your Sophomore Experience And Make It One For The History Books.

Sophomore Slump Or Comeback Of The Year?

Lack of motivation, complacency, and collective sighs in response to any discussion about life beyond the college years can only mean one thing: you are a sophomore. Other symptoms include, but are not limited to, putting forth the minimum amount of effort necessary to be successful, making sleep a higher priority than all else, and counting down the days until the academic year drags to an end.

The second year of higher education sneaks up on the best of us. We are transitioned into a sort of purgatory -- one where we no longer have the excuse of being the new kid, or the advantage of being an experienced college junior or senior. After finding myself headed towards a slump, I figured it was time to stop the regression of sophomore year in its tracks. Here are just a few ways to help you salvage your sophomore experience and make it one for the history books.

You don’t feel motivated in school             

Feeling burnt out after just one year of college is not a reassuring thought, especially since we still have at least two and a half years to go. So, first things first. Pick your forehead off of your keyboard, get the school work that you threw into the trash in a frustrated rage, and remember that you got into this college for a reason. It goes without saying that you have the potential to do great academic work. Your ability is not the issue.

You are probably in need of an attitude adjustment, and what better way to go about an internal makeover than by going on a mini-vacation? It does not have to be far --  heck, it could be just spending an afternoon on your front porch. The main point is to find a way to distance yourself from whatever roadblock you may be facing. Fill your time with things that make you happy, whether it is your favorite meal, favorite movie, favorite people or any combination. Before you know it, you will be ready to sit down with a clear head and dish out some serious studying.     

You are tired of trying to get involved on campus            

Senior year of high school, you ruled your school. Whether you were a sports team captain, student body president, star of every theater production or on the homecoming court, you probably felt at an all-time high. Bright eyed and ready to continue your reign on an even bigger and better college campus, your freshman year was probably spent dishing out an ambitious amount of applications in order to get your foot in the door of serious involvement. Throughout the year, you probably had your fair share of sleepless nights and stress-filled weekends due to how thinly you spread yourself.

You have made it to sophomore year thinking, “I am never doing that again. I want to quit everything.” As tempting as a worry and obligation free schedule can seem, try not to lose sight of the big picture. Take freshman year as a lesson that, unlike high school, you cannot possibly be a part of every organization you find in college. Put some serious thought into what you can see yourself being involved with, in the long run, and dedicate your time and energy to doing your very best in those few organizations. You will soon come to realize that “quality over quantity” isn’t such a bad phrase to live by.     

You don’t know what you are doing with your life     

News flash: who really does? While you are surrounded by peers who outwardly seem like they have their life together, odds are they have just as much trouble figuring it out as the rest of us. No amount of good grades, internships or job offers will serve as a one-way ticket towards a successful life plan. Do not get caught up in the misconception that you are a failure without those bullet points on your resume.

It is easy to feel left in the dust when you attend a school filled with overachievers. What is most important is that you do not lose sight of what college is really all about. Sure, it can be a spring board onto the fast track of life if you have your goals set in stone, but for the other 99 percent of us who have not quite worked out the details, college is a place for us to grow.

Come senior year, it is almost guaranteed that you will not be the same person you were when you arrived, and your goals will have changed with you. The reason why it is worth the wait is because you have put in the time to make all the necessary upgrades and bug-fixes in order to create the perfect finished product. So, do not be discouraged if you have not worked out all the kinks. It is only your second year! 

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