A stereotype is a common statement about a certain type of person or thing. In this article, there will be many stereotypes about college guys.
Readers, think about guys and now think about what they do. I asked a few women at Slippery Rock University to do the same and wrote down their responses. Let me just say some responses were shocking. Guys certainly don't know everything, but neither do girls.
When you're done here, make sure you check out What Boys Think Girls Do vs. What Girls Actually Do!
1. How do guys start their day?
Girl's answer: The first thing a guys does every day is masturbate.
Guy's reality: We do not masturbate as soon as we wake up every single day. While men have a stronger sex drive than women, we do not all do the dirty every single morning. Some of us still have some amount of shame and prefer to keep it. Shame on the college male that does.
2. What is a college guy's biggest issue?
Girl's answer: College guys have mommy issues.
Guy's reality: You're damn right we do. Our mothers have broken us, put us back together, and broken us again. It's exactly what more than half of you do to us during a relationship.
3. What does a college guy's room look like?
Girl's answer: College guys' bedrooms are disgusting with mismatched bedding, posters of naked or half naked women, and a futon.
Guy's reality: Our rooms get messy more often than not, but when the calendar says "clean room today" we damn well do it. And yes, our bedding might be mismatched, but that's the last thing we're worried about in college. There's homework, money, a job, whatever organization you're in, and friends. The last thing we care about is if our sheets match the pillow case and if it all pulls together with the comforter.
We might have posters of half naked women, but a lot of us also cover our walls with art, music, or TV show posters (Game of Thrones). No, we do not have futons in our rooms. That is a myth just like the Loch Ness monster.
4. How often do guys drink?
Girl's answer: College guys casually sip beer throughout the day.
Guy's reality: Another urban legend. Not all guys are alcoholics and some of us have better, more important things to do than get drunk all day.
5. What do guys think of relationships?
Girl's answer: Guys hate commitment.
Guy's response: No we don't. Please don't even. You don't read minds (as much as you think you can).
6. What is a guy's biggest fear?
Girl's answer: The biggest fears of a college guy are being a "bad performer" and being told he isn't "big" enough.
Guy's reality: You're right, ladies. These are our two biggest fears when we begin falling for a college girl. When we're told we're small or bad in bed you might as well have just told us that our childhood dog got run over by a semi, so remember that.
7. What is most important to a college guy?
Girl's answer: Being the bread winner is most important for a guy.
Guy's reality: You couldn't be further from the truth. We would love to hang out with the kids all day while you're off working bringing home the bacon. By all means, go to work while we do errands all day. We'd love to because that stereotype is dead.
8. How often do guys guys brush their teeth?
Girl's answer: Guys might brush their teeth everyday
Guy's reality: We always brush our teeth! (For the love of god if you're a college guy reading this who doesn't brush their teeth everyday, JUST DO IT.)
Guys. Women know a heck of a lot more about us than we do about them. They're like the flying spaghetti monster; We will never understand how they work, but they will always know what makes us tick. We're a simple breed, mostly. There's really not much to us. There is one thing they won't ever figure out though - our feelings. We have our emotions so bottled up that they might as well be inside of Fort Knox.
Let's be honest. Most college women have a very different view on men than what men have of women. However, we can all agree that the opposite sex sucks in numerous aspects. Guys might be considered shallow a**holes, but the same can be said about the opposite sex. Here's the deal girls -- there are a lot of you and a lot of us so there's bound to be bad members of both. So for now (and as always) let's just agree to disagree.
While we work on that, head over to our counterpart article, What Boys Think Girls Do vs. What Girls Actually Do.