Simone Biles: The Humble Olympian | The Odyssey Online
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Simone Biles: The Humble Olympian

Raw inspiration of an Olympic athlete

Simone Biles: The Humble Olympian
The New York Times

Her silver sparkle-lined eyes remain fixated on the four-inches below her that support her entire lifetime of Olympic training and preparation. Her strong, yet humble smile after her smooth landing stares out at the roaring stadium in front of her. Simone Biles, 19, has taken her sparkly eyes and humble nature to Rio 2016, only to confirm her standing as the best female gymnast in the world by winning the women’s individual all-around gold medal. But, through her countless victories and exponentially growing fame, Biles has inspired the entire world with her remarkable modesty and refreshingly genuine grin -- in a way that only an Olympian ever could.

Some of the most genuine smiles that I have ever seen have been broadcast over the Olympic Games -- as each big win represents a lifetime of hard work and an extremely high caliber of passion. Each set of sparkling eyes looking down at an even more sparkly medal showcase the direct reward of dedication and rightfully grant praise and fame to world-class athletes. This is an example of victory in it’s rawest state, often sported by the humblest of victors who are generally reticent about their greatness.

Biles is the archetype of a humble Olympian that showcases the healthiest form of fame possible -- the kind of fame that results from a directly admirable feat that inspires others -- and every two years, the Olympic Games inspire this unique muse with each new set of athletes. She has made history in a variety of ways with her exceptionally impressive stats and winnings, but her newfound celebrity status is justified in ways that reach far beyond her numbers.

The 19-year old’s overall persona is refreshingly innocent, given her extreme success and increasing status as a household name, never mind the weight of all the medals around her neck. She remains remarkably prudent and collected as a professional athlete. Her sweet ambiance and constant catching-your-breath awe of her circumstances mark Biles as an American icon in areas beyond those of the gymnastics floor.

“She may be the most talented gymnast I’ve ever seen in my life, honestly. And I don’t even think she’s tapped into what she really can do. I think she’s unbeatable.” said Mary Lou Retton, 1984 Olympic gymnastics champion, according to NBC’s 2016 Olympic site. What makes an athlete, or anyone, successful is humbleness and ego-check -- and it looks like Biles has this concept down pat in the realest way possible.

Every Olympic team sports strong sets of some of the hardest workers in the public eye, and America is fortunate to have so many sets of soft eyes and full hearts representing them in each event. The Olympics has constant public appeal and crafts so many icons because of the genuine nature of the celebrities that they carry; viewers are so directly inspired by the athletes because they are able to physically recognize why they are there, and why they deserve the victory they receive. Each athlete returns to the Games to not only fulfill their personal goals, but also to represent their homeland, setting them aside from the general class of celebrities so many are exposed to in differing areas.

With each removal of layers of swim caps and goggles to peek at the board after emerging from the pool, and with every landing after a strong set on the beam, each Olympic athlete brings a revitalizing aspect to fame that deserves to be recognized. The nature of a humble Olympic athlete is inspiring beyond comparison, and these men and women deserve utmost respect and support from their countries as they truly deserve to be looked up to in a more raw, different way than other public icons.

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