Server Life: The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly | The Odyssey Online
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Server Life: The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly

"Oh, You Want Me To Split Your Bill On Eight Different Cards?"

Server Life: The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly

Being a server in a restaurant can sometimes be an immensely stressful job. On the other hand, it definitely has a lot of perks that most part time jobs don’t have. I personally think that everyone should be a server at some point in their life because you gain a lot of qualities from the experience, patience being the most important one. If you are, or have ever been a server, I imagine that you will highly relate to the rest of this article:

1. When you are in the middle of a rush and 12 people walk in with four baby strollers.

*Looks at coworkers with panic stricken eyes* "So who's going to be the MVP here?"

2. When you don't have a single table for two straight hours.

*Walks around aimlessly* "Guys, I literally don't know what to do right now. I cleaned all the tables three times and reorganized the wine twice."

3. When customers say they are ready to order but then they make you stand there while they are still deciding what they want.

"Uhhhhhhhhhmmm." Please, just say that you need more time to look at the menu. Servers have many other tables to tend to and they don't have the time to just stand there for five minutes while you decide what you want to eat.

4. The feeling you get when its busy and a customer orders hot tea.

"If you care about my sanity, please rethink what you would like to drink."

5. When the kitchen closes in ten minutes and a party of six come in to eat.

Yes, because doesn't everyone love to eat dinner at 11:00 at night?

6. When your table of four waits until the end of their meal to ask for separate checks.

Why do you do this to us?? Just let us know that you would like separate checks before we take your order.

7. When you worked for six hours and you walk out with a stack of cash.

What's better than always getting paid cash at the end of each shift?

8. When you realize that your coworkers are the reason that you survive your shifts.

You know you can always count on your Friday night crew to make the chaos bearable.

9. The sadness when summer comes to an end and many of your coworkers leave to head back to school.

But at least you know that you will all be back together next summer.

10. When the kitchen accidently makes and extra order and it's up for grabs.

11. When you realize that this job and these people have made an impact on your life and you're thankful that you were able to experience the "server life" for a while.

Your shift shenanigans with your coworkers will make for great memories one day.

At the end of the day, no matter how many times a customer may make you want to quit on the spot, you know that you don't see yourself leaving until you move on to the next chapter of your life. The restaurant becomes a second home to you and you know the place, the menu, and the regulars inside and out. Being a server is one of those jobs that you will always look back on and that you will always remember.

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