Why Seelio Is One Of The Best Tools For Making Yourself Stand Out To Employers | The Odyssey Online
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Why Seelio Is One Of The Best Tools For Making Yourself Stand Out To Employers

Crafting the perfect resume and cover letter is not enough anymore. Seelio is the answer to that truth.

Why Seelio Is One Of The Best Tools For Making Yourself Stand Out To Employers
Photo Courtesy of PIHRA

When I was a junior in college, I needed to complete an internship for credit. As I set up my internship and worked with my advisor in the HonorsCollege, she reminded me I needed to present what I learned in my internship in some way, shape, or form. I had already committed to attending the Honors College Family Breakfast to share my new knowledge with students and parents first setting out on their college careers.

Still, my advisor thought there was more I could do. She suggested a new platform that several other college students had used for internships and other projects completed in school. The new platform was Seelio.com. I had never heard of the site, and I promised I would look into it. Since that day, I have been hooked on Seelio.

Seelio, according to their website, “helps students understand the 21st century skills employers want, communicate how their education relates to those skills in a professional digital identity, and ultimately use that digital identity to connect with employers and find a job.”

Seelio was created by co-founder and CEO, Moses Lee, a graduate of University of Michigan. According to Forbes magazine, Seelio went from a University of Michigan-only platform called TruApp to become Seelio, or "See my Portfolio". As students became more involved and excited about Seelio, Lee expanded Seelio to over 950 schools. Now thousands of students and young professionals use Seelio to showcase their projects and accomplishments.

Upon exploring Seelio, I knew I would be using the platform for my internship, but also for the many papers and reports that otherwise are lost to computer files, or worse, the garbage. Papers that we spend hours researching, writing, and editing on were being lost. You’re not exactly going to hand over a 70 page report on Internally Displaced Persons to a recruiter at a Job Fair. But, you can put your Seelio url under your name on your resume so that if a hiring manager gets her hands on your resume, she can find that paper with just the click of the mouse.

After graduating from TowsonUniversity, I quickly was offered a job that I was not only excited about, but allowed me to move to another state completely outside my network. After a few months in my new office, we began talking about resumes, interviews, and our experiences getting to where we are. I mentioned my Seelio portfolio and how I loved it.

Immediately, one of my senior co-workers spoke up and said he remembered my profile and it was one of the reasons they chose to hire me. He said it made me stand apart from the rest and he loved the new technology I was using. So, there you go. Proof that Seelio is awesome.

Not only do I love Seelio for publishing my research papers, but I also include successful work projects complete with my contributions, lessons learned, and colorful pictures. And Seelio will take notice. A month or so after graduating college, Seelio reached out to me about my profile and asked if they could do a Student Spotlight on me. I was so happy to help because I know Seelio is a fantastic resource. They interviewed me and even welcomed me on a group call to share my experiences. Plus, I got a free t-shirt, so what’s not to love?

The best part of Seelio has to be the visual quality. In today’s world, our attention span is about that of a goldfish. So, we need to keep people interested with bright colors, interesting graphics, and make checking us out worth their time. Seelio really delivers in this field.

If I could give just one piece of advice to students and recent graduates, I would say get a Seelio portfolio now. It’s free and it’s a powerful tool that can be used in congruence with LinkedIn (the slightly more mainstream professional networking tool), Facebook, Twitter, and more.

As I told Seelio in my interview with them in 2014, Seelio is the resume that is unique, packed with information, and that will set you apart from other applicants.

I also recommend following Seelio on Instagram and Facebook: @SeelioHQ for extra tips!

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