Scary Movie Goers Rejoice As Halloween Approaches
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Scary Movie Goers Rejoice As Halloween Approaches

Whether you love them or hate them, scary movies are here to stay!

Scary Movie Goers Rejoice As Halloween Approaches

Every light off in the house, just the pale white glow of the moon peaking in from behind the curtains. A warm bowl of popcorn next to you, meant specifically for compulsive, nervous snacking. A thick, woolen throw blanket clutched up to your chin because it will certainly keep you safe from whatever finds its way out of the television screen.

With Halloween quickly approaching, the endless scary movie marathons have officially started. Groups of friends determined to survive the ordeal together, screaming in harmony as the killer jumps through the living room window. Couples huddled together on the couch attempting to make the moment something adorable, when instead both are reduced to looking like giant chickens. Even the brave soul who turned off every light and decided to stick out the possessed-child flick completely on their own. Whatever the circumstances, it is nearly impossible to avoid the draw of scary movies around this time of year. With pumpkins, cider mills, falling leaves and hayrides, come demon clowns, manic killers and the always terrifying porcelain doll.

However, not everyone shares my love of feeling like closing the bathroom medicine cabinet mirror will reveal a scarred psychopath. Some people will instead do absolutely everything in their power to avoid these horrifying movies, excusing themselves to their room to clean every inch of it, making up some terribly important exam to study for, deciding the opening credits would be the perfect time to make a call and so on. For this particular brand of moviegoers there are of course many options for their Halloween celebrations. The always amazing movies such as "Halloweentown," "Hocus Pocus," and "The Night Before Christmas," are staples for both scary
movie avoiders and scary movie lovers. Honestly, without these particular movies, October just doesn’t feel quite right, so make some popcorn and prepare to be amazed.

On the flip side of this, there are the people who will sit alone in their dark and empty house with just the monsters in the movie to keep them company night after night in order to get the stomach-clenching thrills. The ones who search out the best haunted houses anywhere even remotely close to where they live so they can go be scared half to death by complete strangers wearing roughly a pound of makeup and fake blood. For these people, a more intense Halloween movie is required for their October nights in. They could go classic with "The Exorcist," "The Shining," or "The Ring." Or they could go a more updated route with something along the lines of "Sinister," "Insidious," "Paranormal Activity," or "The Conjuring." Either way, these movies are sure to provide every heart-racing jump they are looking for.

The reasons people love scary movies may not be understood by people who do not share the same passion, but there is no denying the massive following horror flicks have. It may be the love of suspense that keeps your eyes glued to the screen no matter how much you wish you could look away. Or possibly the pure art of the movie itself, with the small nuances and drastic plot twists that all the good ones have. Then again, it might simply be the "Saw"-inspired inspired gore some of the newer scary movies can boast of that draw viewers in again and again. No matter the reason, there will always be a booming horror industry. Our love of suspense, drama, mystery and anticipation is too great to ever let these movies completely fall to the wayside. Just don't forget that blanket, it is after all the only thing between you and the girl crawling out of the screen...

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