How Sailor Moon Has Kicked Ass For Over A Decade
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How Sailor Moon Has Kicked Ass For Over A Decade

Fighting evil by moonlight.

How Sailor Moon Has Kicked Ass For Over A Decade

How can anyone forget one of the most important shows of our generation? I'm speaking about my own generation, the generation of me and maybe some others who could appreciate a little pink in their superhero intake.

Time after time we have gotten so used to seeing men at the forefront. When most people think of superheroes I can almost 100 percent say they think of a man. There are women in these stories who fight alongside the men, but those women are often forgotten by the people who put them in these huge franchises with a dominant male cast. The male superheroes seem to have a certain dynamic we see constantly. Boys partake in the boys club, but what else is there?

In an era where we have seen Superman, Ironman, Spiderman, Batman (the list goes on, not always ending in man), the answer to our feminist craving came in a bundle of blonde hair and preteen angst. OK, maybe not the angst but definitely something.

Sailor Moon came at a time when no other show like it had ever existed in a place like North America before or in the same way.

The story of one girl who gained her magical powers from her past life as a princess of the moon (spoiler alert, if you couldn't put two and two together) and her numerous friends who help protect the planet against the negative forces trying to destroy it. What a mouth full, right? Well, that's not even the start.

Sailor Moon brought with it more female protagonists in one episode than we've seen in the flash of an Avenger film. Strong female characters with dynamic stories and personalities, infused with humor and so much more.

From seasons one to five, the various movies, and specials, Sailor Moon has continuously kicked ass. Unlike any other show about crime fighters, Sailor Moon broke barriers we still struggle with today. If you're unfamiliar with the popular 90s show, or have recently deviled into the reboot (not a fan) then you might have missed a lot of what makes Sailor Moon a freaking badass!

How about we talk about the most obvious thing. Sailor Moon, also known as the champion of justice, or the pretty suited Sailor Solder of love and justice! Who is Sailor Moon? Well she is an immature, whiny, food loving middle school girl by the name of Usagi Tsukino. All that aside, she is also the protagonist of the show and manga. A typical teenage girl who doesn't know what she's doing, but ends up with these amazing powers.

Usagi is what I'd call a realistic character, easy to relate to even when she's annoying, and someone who grows into a leader. Usagi is not only her superhero persona, but a princess, a student (a bad one), a lover of life, and a friend. Usagi as a character has shown us stubbornness doesn't equal a lack of caring and she can push aside any of her differences for the greater good even when she may not want to. In her various roles, she integrates her different identities, always preaching for love, justice, and friendship.

When it comes to the female dynamic within Sailor Moon we are exposed to a various number of female characters. It kind of shows women can be more than extremely feminine or tomboyish. There are different archetypes. There's the shrine maiden, who is stubborn, dedicated, possibly seen as religious, hard headed, but always caring to the very core. There's the brainiac, who is also shy, secretly boy crazy, hard on her self, but learns to have fun. I could list the number of personalities possessed by each person, but it would defeat the purpose of you possibly watching the show's greatness for yourself.

Within these personalities there's different types of expressions and identities. When I was young I was able to pick up various lessons from Sailor Moon. A huge reason why the show and manga have kicked ass for over a decade and continues to do so, is the cross of identities

When we see Sailor Jupiter we have a woman who not only packs a punch, but loves cooking. Then with Sailor Uranus we see someone who feels comfortable expressing herself through a "masculine style," a woman who is athletic, loves to get dirty, but still uses her femininity not to impress anyone, but to find her strength. Never has the cross between what we perceive as masculine and feminine been more blurred before. These roles we are so used to didn't seem to exist, at least to me, because I saw that you could be both.

Queerness has also taken a major stride in this popular story. Regardless of how the show has been censored in different countries, the relationships between some of its core characters still translated as more than a common friendship. With the Outer Senshi, specifically Uranus and Neptune, people were exposed to a lesbian relationship between two female superheroes. This marks yet another bad ass story line in the franchise. These two characters weren't created for show, but become a major component to who the Sailors are. Their romance has been adored by many and is one of the most positive relationships on the show, being a mutually supportive duo set on a goal to stop world destruction. Of course it goes without saying these two are not your lesbian stereotype.

To continue this trend, season five of the show (unlike in the manga) had three new characters arise, characters who I consider to be trans or gender fluid. In their human forms they present themselves as men or to better put it, they are men, but when they transform they become women. All in all, the first trans superheroes to grace my eyes.

Usagi does a great job of treating and seeing these people for who they are and treating them like human beings. These are some of the early hints of feminism to come in my early stages of life. Among the representation of femininity as strong, Sailor Moon has packed a punch.

Of course one of the biggest reason it kicks ass is it's amazing plot of female warriors, princesses and guardians of different plants reborn on earth in order to protect the planet. In addition to the portal of femininity as something that is strong rather than weak. Does that not scream badass, ass kicking or what?

I mean, fighting evil by moonlight, winning love by daylight, and never running from a real fight sums it up pretty well!

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