10 Fun Things To Do In Sacramento
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10 Fun Things To Do In Sacramento

There are actually more things to do than you think

10 Fun Things To Do In Sacramento

Every time someone asks me where I'm from the second question is almost always, "What is there to do in Sacramento?" As a someone who was raised there for over 18 years I can say that you can always visit the state capitol. However, this never seems to be enough information so here is a list of 10 things you can do when you find yourself in Sacramento.

1. Visit the State Capitol

The Capitol has tours daily and the architecture is amazing. The building itself has been around since around 1861 and has been used for public needs since around 1874. The Capitol Building is in the Downtown Sacramento area so while you are in the area you should also visit:

2. Walk around in Old Sacramento

Getting here is half the battle. If you aren't careful and alert you will miss the entrance to this small street off the freeway, near the Capitol. Old Sacramento was the very heart of the city during the Gold Rush days in 1848 and has been refurbished but still gives off the vibe of being in the 1850s. This place is great to go with first time Sacramento visitors, you can go to the candy store and get free salt water taffy. You can also check out the small hallway arcade that has games like PacMan and Frogger.

3. Browse around in the Crocker Art Museum

Is next on the list of places to visit. Also located in Downtown Sacramento, near the Capitol, this Art Museum is visited by most elementary schools more times than you can count. (That is if you live here) Admission for college students is only $8 and there are many beautiful works of art that are showcased in this sizable museum.

4. Check out the California Automobile Museum

Is also here for those who are really into cars. If you drive around Sacramento in general you will see a lot of older model cars being driven around by the older residents. It is not a surprise that this museum is also in the Downtown Sacramento area. General admission is $9 and there are over 150 vehicles on display dating from 1885 all the way to 2011.

5. Take a ride in the Sacramento River

The history of this river is apparently a fascinating one. It is located near the Old Sacramento area and there are several riverboats that you can ride on for a lovely, narrated, cruise.

6. Drive by the Governor's Mansion

It is California's executive mansion. It was open to the public for tours but has been closed to the public until further notice. However, the building itself is very pretty to look at and was built in 1877 so just take that in. The insides are furbished with marble fireplaces from Italy, mirrors from France and other knick knacks dating back to the Victorian Era, according to the California Department of Parks and Recreation . So if you are still in the Downtown Sacramento Area check this place out.

7. Go to Sleep Train Area to watch basketball

Is a place to visit. Home of the Sacramento Kings. If you are a fan of basketball and also live in Sacramento chances are you will probably have undying love for this team. Even though the last championship that we went to was in 1951...

8. Walk around Fairytale Town

It may sound like a joke but this small park is a very low-tech children's play park that you can walk around in. With attraction from your favorite storybooks like Peter Rabbit, Sherwood Forest, Cinderella's Coach and more.

8. Watch the Sacramento Ballet preform

The annual Nutcracker production is truly a sight to see.

9. Go check out the Drive-in Theaters

The weather in Sacramento is usually nice so this place is always buzzing with people around the evening. General admission is $7 and be sure to check out the retro styled snack bar. It would be a cute place to have a date if you have a convertible and a letterman jacket to spare.

10. Take a walk in one of the many parks in area

There are trees upon trees upon shrubberies in Sacramento. So much so that Sacramento is known as the "City of Trees".

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