6 Reasons Everyone Should Be Watching "RuPaul's Drag Race"
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6 Reasons Everyone Should Be Watching "RuPaul's Drag Race"

Drag is there to remind culture not to take itself too seriously. All of this is illusion.

6 Reasons Everyone Should Be Watching "RuPaul's Drag Race"
The Daily Beast

According to Merriam-Webster, drag is "clothing typical of one sex worn by a person of the opposite sex." However, drag can also be simply defined as an outfit or costume. No matter the definition, drag is a transcendent art form utilized by individuals of all genders, races, shapes, sizes, and sexual orientations.

Drag has been around for centuries but has just recently been popularized. A primary reason for this is exposure from "RuPaul's Drag Race," a competition reality show created by RuPaul Andre Charles a decade ago. The show is now three episodes into its 10th season and has spawned massive stars, including Trixie Mattel, Katya, Bob the Drag Queen, Miss Fame, Sasha Velour, Violet Chachki, Alaska Thunderfuck, Gia Gunn, and Kim Chi, among so many others.

While you might think "Drag Race" would cater towards a pretty specific audience, the show is beloved by people of all ages and genders. I firmly believe that everyone needs to watch it in all its glory. Here's why:

1. It's one of the first examples of drag representation in mainstream pop culture.

The idea of drag, unfortunately, still seems to be outlandish to some people. Imagine the way it was perceived a decade or two ago! "Drag Race" was monumental for drag culture and the drag community. It showcased the art in a positive light, inspired people, and allowed people to see themselves represented on mainstream television. The show continues to inspire people to be who they are or whoever they want to be.

2. It's funny AF.

From the reads to Snatch Game to the runway comments by Michelle Visage, Ross Mathews, and RuPaul himself, "Drag Race" has become one of the funniest shows I have ever seen. When the queens throw shade, insult each other, and start drama, it's (usually) done with love and it's quite possibly my favorite part of the show.

3. The queens' makeup skills are incredible.

Without the talent and artistry drag queens have brought to the makeup industry, we wouldn't have "baking," drawn-on brows, or the glue stick technique. Drag makeup is colorful, outrageous, and transforming. I'm in awe of queens' processes and the short amount of time it takes them to accomplish so much.

4. The lip-syncs are outrageous.

One of the best aspects of the show is the lip-syncs. When a queen ends up in the bottom two at the end of an episode, she has to "lip-sync for her life" against another queen. The songs are usually pop songs and queens dance and perform dramatically until the song is over. In order to know the words, queens are given iPods with all of the songs they have to know but they don't know which song is chosen for a lip-sync until the day before.

5. The outfits are over-the-top (in the best way).

At the beginning of every elimination, all of the contestants walk down the runway in a costume based on a particular theme. The themes vary for each episode but the creativity behind the outfits does not. The costumes are over-the-top, outrageous, extravagant, and beautiful.

6. It's all about confidence and loving yourself.

At the end of every episode, RuPaul exclaims "if you don't love yourself, how in the hell are you gonna love somebody else?" The major underlying theme of the show is to love yourself and be confident no matter who you are or where you're from. The show encourages everyone to be their true themselves and not to hide.

Although I'm not new to drag culture, I just started watching RuPaul's Drag Race during All-Stars 3 and I've already fallen in love with it. Drag culture is something to not only be accepted but celebrated.

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