Reasons Why Hamilton The Musical Is So Important | The Odyssey Online
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Reasons Why Hamilton The Musical Is So Important

"Every other founding fathers' story get told. Every other founding father gets to grow old"

Reasons Why Hamilton The Musical Is So Important

" Hamilton: An American Musical" has been slowly taking the world by storm. As someone who has always been not only a musical theater geek, but also a history geek, this musical has been one that I have fallen head over heals in love with. There are so many reasons why this musical is important and countless lessons can be learned from it.

1.) It is a true story about a founding father some had forgotten.

"His enemies destroyed his rep America forgot him."

This is a musical about the man who created the Federal Reserve. It very much discusses his life and everything he did. This musical does an amazing job at spreading the history of a very crucial time period in America accurately.

2.) The ethnicity of the cast members.

"There's a million things I haven't done. Just you wait..."

It's no secret that the founding fathers were white men. It is no secret that historically, everyone in this musical is white. The musical on the other hand, has people of many different races and ethnicities playing characters that are not usually depicted that way. As Lin-Manual Miranda said, "It is the story of yesterday, told by the people of today." To me, this is not only important because it shows how far we have come, but it also shows that in Broadway shows race and ethnicity shouldn't determine who is and isn't going to be cast. It should go to whoever is the best for the role and, without a single doubt, the people in the cast right now are the best people for the job.

3.) The fact that Alexander Hamilton was an immigrant.

"I'm just like my country, I'm young, scrappy, and hungry..."

In todays world, many people tend to look down on immigrants. This is an important reminder that one of the founding fathers, a man who had a huge impact on the United States, was in fact an immigrant. This reminds us that just because a person was not born in the United States, they are not any less American than a person who was.

4.) The music

"I'm looking for a mind at work!"

The music in this show is not only catchy, but it was also created in a way which no one would expect. When Lin-Manual Miranda first created this musical he started off by saying, "It is a concept album about the life of someone I believe embodies hiphop, treasure secretary Alexander Hamilton." The music is beautifully written. Rapping and singing in the style of hiphop is an amazing way to depict history.

5.) The message it gives to every single person who listens to the songs/ sees the musical.

"You have no control, who lives, who dies, who tells your story."

This story tells everyone that you can do anything you put your mind to. As the first line of the musical says, "How does a bastard, orphan, son of a whore and a Scotsman, dropped in the middle of a forgotten spot in the Caribbean by providence impoverish, in squalor from up to be a hero and a scholar?" Alexander Hamilton came to America with virtually nothing and became someone who would go down in history. It shows how powerful love, passion, and determination is. This musical also talks in the last song about how you have no control over what will be said about you after you die. Hamilton always wondered if he would be remembered, and because of Lin-Manual Miranda, he will never be forgotten.

This musical is so important to American history and musical history. It has awakened a new interest in the American Revolution and the history of Alexander Hamilton. Again, as someone who loves broadway and history and will one day be a teacher, this gives me a way to get people engaged with "a bunch of dead white guys". I also think it deserves all the awards it could possibly get.

Now, if only I could afford tickets.

So if you haven't yet, take a listen to this song. You will not regret it.

*mic drop*

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