My Experience At A Rally For Bernie
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Politics and Activism

My Experience At A Rally For Bernie

A Look at why rallies are so beneficial.

My Experience At A Rally For Bernie
Oregon Live

Politics are everywhere, especially right now since we have entered an election year. For many millennials who are currently undergraduates, it happens to be their first chance to vote in a major election for the executive office. With the frenzy of election season, many candidates have traveled all over the country to different states to campaign in the hopes that their platform, policies and even personality will stick with the people. I have currently attended two Bernie Sanders rallies since August of 2015, one of them being during spring break on March 20. Rallies are a beneficial way to feel involved, connected and truly informed about a candidate.

The first rally I went to took place in Portland, Oregon, at the Moda Center, where many sporting events and performances take place. It holds up to 19,980 people inside, and the Sanders campaign was easily able to fill it. In fact, thousands were unable to enter due to the large crowd that had been drawn, instead having to listen outside. Heading on public transportation to the Moda Center, it was already clear there would be an overflow of people in attendance, the light rail was full of people all heading to the same location to see Senator Sanders. When we arrived, the light rail had difficulty stopping due to the over capacity of people and the combined weight. I can express what a great pleasure it was to see voters being involved, whether it was directly volunteering in the event or just attending.

Recently, I once again attended a Bernie Sanders rally; however, it was actually held at a local high school in Vancouver, Washington, a part of the Portland metro area. He came to campaign because Washington's caucuses were coming up the next weekend. It was shocking that the Sanders campaign had chosen such a small venue for their rally, seeing as the previous time they held one it reached the maximum capacity of more than 19,000 as opposed to this high school gym that held maybe 5,000.

Doors opened at 11 a.m. with Sanders going to speak at 1 p.m., and it was, once again, clear there would be a large sum of people attempting to get in to see Sanders. My friends and I planned to get to the high school at 9:30, and as soon as we arrived, we were greeted with a line spanning multiple blocks down the street. The line was intimidating, and we weren't even sure if we should even attempt to find a parking spot because there could be a possibility we wouldn't even get in. However, we decided to try and ended up waiting in line for almost three hours before we were able to get in the door of the school. Regardless of the long line, all of the people were peacefully and patiently waiting for the doors to open. We were only encountered by one protestor during the wait, a Donald Trump supporter driving by and shouting obscene things at us. It's a given that one will encounter some kind of opposition or protestors when attending a rally. When we did get in, there was only room for seating in the upper level of the gym, most of the other seats being constituted by at least 4,000 people.

As people waited for Sanders to take the stage, they started multiple chants shouting, "Bernie! Bernie! Bernie!" The unity of the crowd had this certain excitement and momentum of the anticipation of hearing their favorite presidential hopeful speak. Sanders finally went on to speak at 1:30 p.m., and the crowd gave him a large applause. He touched on his standard themes of economic inequality, campaign finance, minimum wage, police violence and decriminalizing marijuana, which was a hit with the people of Southwest Washington. Hearing Senator Sanders speak, once again, only reminded me of the benefits of being able to go to a political rally and getting involved in politics.

Going to a rally or some sort of political event can seem strenuous because it can involve things such as traveling, waiting and large crowds, but in the end, it only helps you understand a candidate and their issues. It's much different actually hearing a candidate speak in person rather than on TV. When you see something on TV, the media can construe how you view things and those running for office. Actually going to a rally gets you to truly understand the essence of a candidate, their charisma and what they can do to improve our country.

However, some suggestions if you are planning on attending a political event is to make sure you know the key times of the event, meaning whenever the doors open and when the candidate is scheduled to speak. Also, be aware if there's some sort of Facebook page, make sure to check how many people RSVP'd or plan on going, so you'll gauge an accurate time of when you should show up. Lastly, be open to all candidates, even if you're to very excited about them. That's what the rally is for, to really hear their ideas and be an educated voter. I can't tell you how many times I have heard someone say they don't know enough to vote or pick a candidate. Then, it's in your best interest to go out there and learn more so you can be knowledgeable.

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