QUIZ: What 'Parks And Recreation' Character Are You? (Female Edition) | The Odyssey Online
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QUIZ: What 'Parks And Recreation' Character Are You? (Female Edition)

Which one of the phenomenal Parks and Rec. women are you?

QUIZ: What 'Parks And Recreation' Character Are You? (Female Edition)

1. What are you doing this summer?

A. PRODUCTIVITY! Internship, babysitting, volunteering at the humane society and taking an online class to get ahead in credits. Life doesn't stop for summer and neither do I.

B. Chillin', relaxin', maxin' all cool. I need to get my roots touched up, my pedi is looking shambly and my tan needs a couple more shades.

C. Probably staying inside, painting a cooler for my boy or scrolling through Tumblr, per usual.

D. A good balance of working and socializing. I haven't seen my friends in FOREVER, so we need to catch up ASAP.

2. What do you do for your service hours?

A. I'm philanthropy chair so…everything?

B. As many paid service hours as I can, then tag along with whatever my friends are doing.

C. Humane society. Dogs are better than people, amiright?

D. Donate blood and call it good for the month.

3. Your drink of choice?

A. Mixed drink. Something sweet and fruity. No shots, they're poison.

B. Top shelf only, or at least I pretend.

C. Really anything I can get my hands on.

D. Some Andre or Barefoot will do just fine

4. How do you get when you drink?

A. Dancing, singing, loving and fun!… then loud and incoherent and a little destructive.

B. Nobody can ever tell, really.

C. Sneaking more drinks when no one is looking even when the bartender or your friends cut you off. Hey, it's Friday! TURN UP!

D. Jumbled and confused and…wait where did my friends go?

5. How are you in a relationship?

A. I give it my all. All in, 100 percent everything. Life is great and I want to remember every second.

B. Boys? Nah. I do my own thing, thanks

C. Partner in crime and make out buddy. What more do you need?

D. If they're happy, I'm happy, doesn't matter what it takes

6. You're given a group project. What do you do?

A. Everything, because I'm perfect and everyone else sucks (kidding, kind of, maybe…).

B. I'll do my part, and I'll do it right. Everyone's got to work around here, but as long as it's not a group grade, and I get to evaluate other people at the end and say if they were slacking, it's not my problem

C. Comic relief—a group has to have it. But I'll procrastinate until the last minute and kind of BS my way through the slideshow. Life is about more than PowerPoint presentations

D. I'm the one who makes everyone else do their job, follow deadlines and show up to group work times. So what if I'm the mom of the group? It's due in a week and needs to get done.

If you picked mostly A's, you're Leslie Knope! Driven and hardworking, you're fiercely loyal to your friends and your hometown. You shower your loved ones with attention and affection, especially your best friend, the beautiful little sunfish. You can be micro-managing at times and getting drunk with you is a risk few are willing to take, but you have a big heart and big dreams.

If you picked mostly B's, you're Donna Meagle! Sassy, sophisticated and independent, you're the one to go to if something needs to be done or the truth needs to come out. You love the finer things in life: spa treatments, fine liquor and only the finest men. You're the queen bee of everywhere you go, and everyone knows it. Treat yo self, girl.

If you picked mostly C's, you're April Ludgate! Sarcastic and sassy, you hide your quirks and big heart behind the snide remarks, but your closest loved ones know what a softy you can be when it comes to helping friends and animals. You only do the bare minimum of work, but your creative streak gives it a nice touch. Your Insta is probably filled with pictures of your pet and your man, and your tweets are probably pure retweet gold 24/7. Easy on the drinks, girl, we know you're not quite legal yet...

If you picked mostly D's, you're Ann Perkins! Bubbly and unfailingly kind and loyal, you're always conflicted between your big dreams and goals and your love for your friends. You're easy to get along with, quick to make friends, but not afraid to tell it like it is and make tough decisions. You're the mom of your friend group, and you wouldn't have it any other way.

Look out for a new, male character version soon!

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