Quick Look Into Your Zodiac Sign
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Quick Look Into Your Zodiac Sign

Ever wonder what your zodiac sign says about you? Here are a few common traits about your sign.

Quick Look Into Your Zodiac Sign

A topic that always peaks my interest is zodiac signs and astrology. For the past few years, I have always had my nose in a book reading about zodiac signs and their traits that come with it. I think astrology is an extraordinary way to understand yourself as a person. Knowing your zodiac sign, the traits that accompany your sign and what the planets represent gives you a better understanding of yourself. Ever since I started studying astrology I have learned quite a few things about myself, for example; how to deal with certain situations, what kind of people I do and do not get along with if I follow my mind or my heart and plenty more. Being a Cancer, I am run by Moon giving me and my fellow sings the nickname “moonchild.” Cancerians are very emotional and run their thoughts and actions by feelings / emotions. We are also known as the “Mother” of all signs, along with Pisces. Some people may be against the study of astrology because it is against many religions, but astrology is something I enjoy and helps me understand myself as an individual. Here are some characteristics and dates of each sign if you are unsure of your sign or what well-known traits come along with it!

Aries (March 21-April 16)- Arians are very independent and full of energy, being that they are a fire sign. They like to keep themselves busy and are always involved in some artistic project. Arians are impulsive and rather competitive when they are not on top. They are good leaders and usually need a sense of authority.

Taurus (April 20- May 20)- Taurus is the second of the twelve signs, they are an Earth sign and ruled by the planet Venus. Taurus is a very determined sign, and they look at the good things in life. Taureans like to be satisfied and need security in their life, both emotionally and mentally. Taureans are also very realistic and have a specific way they go about situations in life. Fun fact; very fashionable

Gemini (May 21- June 21)- Geminis are an Earth sign making them very grounded. Geminis think more with their minds and are very logical about life. Geminis are always busy studying or have their nose in a book learning just about anything they want. Geminis do not like to conform to others, and they keep their distance to those around them.

Cancer (June 22- July 22) -Cancers are ruled by the Moon and the element water. Cancers are very emotional and run their actions by their emotions. We are known as the Mother of all signs and are very nurturing to others. We tend to put others first, and hate confrontation. At first, Cancers hide in their armored crab shell, but on the inside, we are tender and feel things deep down. Fun face; great homemakers.

Leo (July 23- August 22)- Another fire sign that is ruled by the Sun. Leo's sought authority and power, for they are a very powerful sign. Leo’s can adapt easily because they are not a fan of repeating themselves. Although Leo’s seek power, they are very grounded by their family and their loved ones.

Virgo (August 23- September 22)- Virgos are ruled by the planet Mercury which makes them curious and always seeking knowledge. Virgo’s can be a bit too practical making it hard to let others in sometimes. Virgo’s tend to analyze every situation before acting on it. They are a very intelligent and creative sign.

Libra (September 23- October 22)- Libra’s are very charming and like to find a sense of balance in situations. Libra’s are independent but also like to have a partner to share their life with. They are great listeners, but sometimes keep things bottled up. Libra’s are hardworking, and you hardly ever find one lazing around the house.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)- Scorpio’s are run by Mars and Pluto making them one of the most powerful signs. Scorpios always see a situation through to the end no matter what the outcome may be. Their power runs them, and they will always fight until the end. Scorpio’s do not like to see themselves as weak but will lend a helping hand if need be.

Sagittarius (November 22- December 21)- Sagittarians are naturally outgoing and have a very bubbly personality. They are very honest and expect you to be honest with them. Those who fall under this sign love to be free, and always find themselves embarking on a new adventure. A downfall to this sign is they tend to jump to conclusions rather than seeing whole situations through.

Capricorn (December 22- January 19)- Capricorn's are very ambitious and will do whatever they need to do to get the job done. They are problem solvers and like to find solutions as soon as they can. Capricorns will also make a great roommate because they are very neat and organized.

Aquarius (January 20- February 18)- Aquarians use their mind over their heart. Since the planet Uranus rules them, they seek new adventures and meeting new people. They are a very creative and intelligent sign. They are workers and will not stop working until they are satisfied. Aquarians are very original and can think of a new invention with just a little thought behind it.

Pisces( February 19- March 20)- Pisces are a very compassionate sign. They are much like Cancers; they run their actions by feelings. They are very charming and will always be there if you need a shoulder to cry on. Those around them can very easily influence them but deep down understand and know who they are. They are dreams and believe that anything is possible.

Contact me if you are interested and would like some book recommendations !


Bailey Pontikos

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