It's That Time Again: The Minor Republican Candidates
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It's That Time Again: The Minor Republican Candidates

In our most crucial time yet, do you know who you're voting for and why?

It's That Time Again: The Minor Republican Candidates

The 2016 presidential race is shaping up to be an exciting and dramatic one; however, it's a little more important than the flash and glam that America has made the race out to be. This could be the most important race our generation witnesses. America is at a crucial standing point: Our debt limit has reached the ceiling again, terrorists in many shapes and forms have been attacking our country -- both at home and overseas -- and the rest of the world just doesn’t respect us as a world power anymore. We need a leader to bring us back; to make us the world leader again. Listed below are the minor (very low in the polls) Republican candidates.

Chris Christie

Who is he?

Former Governor of New Jersey; fearless-tongued candidate.


No abortion 20 weeks after conception, with exceptions for rape, incest, etc.

Debt and Taxes:

Cater to the middle-class workers, the rich are doing fine.

Wants five balanced budgets in a row with zero tax increases.

Has been recorded with being okay to let the government shut down.

Civil Rights:

Doesn’t agree with the Supreme Court, but gay marriage is the law of the land.

Believes in civil unions but not gay marriage.


Believes drug addiction is a disease, not a crime; wants to provide treatment and not a jail sentence for offenders.

No legalization of any kind of marijuana, medicinal or recreational.

On the crime side, no bail for non-violent offenders, less strict sentences as well.


Believes national reform is needed, Common Core is a mistake.

Change school hours until 6 p.m. daily, 12 months a year.

Believes teachers have students' best interest at heart, not the federal government.

Foreign Policy:

Stop worrying about being liked, should instead be respected.

Putin would not have invaded Crimea with him at the helm.

America should be clear on what we stand for.


Favors fixing the broken immigration system.

Believes no legalization for illegal immigrants; however, supports free tuition for illegals.

Free Trade:

Free trade to Mexico, Israel, and Jerusalem.

Likelihood of Winning Nomination: 10/90

While Christie certainly has garnered a fan base as the governor of New Jersey, he is always under fire for waffling on issues and never having a clear cut stance, which places him at the back of the pack.

Marco Rubio

Who is he?

Senator in Florida since 2011; former speaker of the Florida House of Representatives.


Ban abortion after 20 weeks; however, has been outspoken in saying he believes life begins at conception. Believes in no funding for Planned Parenthood.

Debt and Taxes:

Freeze spending levels back to 2008 levels on everything except defense.

Stimulus package was a mistake. Borrowing, trading, and spending is why we're a trillion more in debt every year since 2009.

Civil Rights:

Opposes gay marriage and believes defining marriage doesn’t demean a class of people.

Opposes fair pay and doesn’t believe in equal pay for women.


There is no way to responsibly use marijuana.

Do not legalize drugs; reduce the sentences very carefully.

Feds should enforce federal laws even if states do not.


Believes in Common Core for all.

Believes there are too many four-year college graduates, and vocational careers should be taught.

Give parents the option to send kids to school of their choice.

Foreign Policy:

We need an ISIS strategy; Obama doesn't have one to prevent upsetting Iran.

North Korea is a crime syndicate, not a country.

We should drop sanctions against Cuba.


Believes we should tighten up and secure our borders before we can begin amnesty.

Believes we should offer amnesty to illegals in good standing and give children of illegals in-state tuition.

Free Trade:

Wants free and fair trade for all and for the world to embrace the reality of globalization.

Likelihood of Winning Nomination: 20/100

Like most of the Republican nominees, Rubio has fallen back in what seems to be the "Donald, Carly, and Dr. Carson show." Rubio will have to change his strategy and pitch if he wants the nomination, let alone the presidency.

Jeb Bush

Who is he?

Former two-term governor from Florida; part of the proud presidential Bush family.


Believes in Planned Parenthood, supports it for Florida, and has said he will do the same federally.

Debt and Taxes:

Bush vetoed a good bit over Florida spending during his time as Florida governor and believes heavy spending and no stimulus is important for economic growth and recovery. Outlined a $787 billion spending initiative.

Civil Rights:

Against gay marriage but for same-sex unions and civil unions.

For business rights when concerning servicing the LGBT community.


Believes in deploying U.S. military to both sides of Mexico-U.S. border to stop drug trafficking and smuggling.

For building more prisons and longer prison sentences.

For treatment of nonviolent drug offenders as opposed to prison sentences.


Against Common Core, as long as states have clear-cut academic standards.

Believes parents should have choices about where their child gets placed in school.

Foreign Policy:

Give sophisticated and advanced weapons to Israel to send powerful message to Iran.

Cancel any Iran deal Obama creates.

Vladimir Putin is a bully. We need to expand military to Crimean and Russian regions to prevent further "bullying" by Russia


Favors the "Great Wall of America" in order to stop illegal immigration.

Favors deporting the illegal immigrants, but not the Donald Trump "Let's Deport Everyone!" mentality.

Free Trade:

Increase free trade exchanges with most of the world.

Likelihood of Winning Nomination: 20/100

Bush's problem is the same as Marco Rubio's. In the wake of Trump, Fiorina, and Carson's takeover of the race, he's fallen behind. He needs to rebuild his image and campaign or start practicing his curtain call.

Mike Huckabee

Who is he?

Former Arkansas governor.


End Planned Parenthood funding by tying it to the budget.

As president, he would look to apply Fifth and 14th Amendment to unborn children and work to repeal Roe v. Wade.

Debt and Taxes:

Steered Arkansas from a $200 million deficit to a $850 million surplus.

For the stimulus package and believes that economy favors the rich and not the working class.

Civil Rights:

Would make an amendment to overturn the Supreme Court ruling on gay marriage and believes minors should not have to accept the choice made by transgender individuals.

Believes gay marriage leads to criminalization of Christianity.

Believes free speech and right to voice opinions also belongs to Christian world views.

Against any form of "the evil of racism" and it should not be tolerated.


Huckabee is all over the map on drugs and crime. He was the governor that authorized the most executions ever in Arkansas.

Has doubled sentences regarding meth; however, has gone on to say there should be drug courts and rehab instead of criminal sentences.


Believes Common Core has changed from its original plan and now opposes the new "frankenstandard."

Believes college just piles on debt and doesn’t provide lifelong careers..

Foreign Policy:

Opposes two-state solution for Palestine and Israel.

Believes Putin needs to be held accountable for basic human rights violations, and Islamic terrorism needs to be solved.


Build a border fence within 18 months in office.

Believes illegals need to go home and start over.

Children of illegals should go to college despite parents' crimes.

America would be a better country if we gave children of illegals scholarships.

Free Trade:

Diplomacy no longer works; reduce sanctions on China.

Free trade system now isn't truly a free or fair trade system.

Implement globalization and true free trade and help whatever country it harms.

Likelihood Of Winning Nomination: LOW

Huckabee is a great candidate. He never engages arguments during the debates, speaks his mind, and believes in fair treatment for all. However, no one seems to agree with him because he sits with an average of 3 percent at the polls.

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