Preparing For 'Captain America: Civil War'
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Preparing For 'Captain America: Civil War'

Ten years gone, same love.

Preparing For 'Captain America: Civil War'
Marvel Comics

With only a week away for the release of the newest addition into the Marvel Cinematic Universe, "Captain America: Civil War," fans are re-watching some of our most beloved avengers, and the moments that brought them together, as well as the moments that brought them at opposite ends of their weapons. The newest addition will be featuring the greatest conflict, among the superheroes, that brings the Marvel universe to a standstill of not just strength, but morality, ideology, integrity, and the definition of justice.

However, we must not forget the Marvel Cinematic Universe is based on the comics. The Marvel event took place between 2006 to 2007; it is 98 comics, officially. Ultimately, and without spoilers, everyone is trying to do what they believe is right, and it is all of their interpretations of what is right that puts them at opposite ends. Some fans may be re-watching old films, but, if you are like me, you are going back to your collection of comics, and reading it all over again. The comics have such a dynamic narrative, and the artwork is unbelievable you will want to take a picture for a cool wallpaper. The movies are great, but we must not forget where they are derived, and it is always important to look at the source.

There is a chronological order that Marvel comics has on their website (link), however I have made my own chronology to add more shock, awe, and fluidity. I have nothing but admiration for the series, and one big difference in the official order is 98 comics long, while my order is 104 comics long. It may seem like a lot to read, but one can actually finish this in a weekend if they made time for leisurely reading. And remember, they are comics. Not every page is filled with loads of paragraphs. One of the beautiful aspects of comics is, at times, the pictures tell the story, even without any words. Another great aspect, there are a ton more characters to fall in love with.

Here is my personalized chronological order,

1. The New Avengers Illuminati

2. Fantastic Four #536

3. Fantastic Four #537

4. Amazing Spider-Man v2 #529

5. Amazing Spider-Man v2 #530

6. Amazing Spider-Man v2 #531

7. Civil War #1

8. She-Hulk v2 #8

9. Wolverine v3 #42

10. Amazing Spider-Man v2 #532

11. Civil War Frontline #1

12.Thunderbolts v3 #103

13. Civil War #2

14. Civil War Frontline #2

15. Civil War Frontline #3

16. Amazing Spider-Man v2 #533

17. New Avengers #21

18. Fantastic Four #538

19. Wolverine v3 #43

20. X-Factor v2 #8

21. Thunderbolts #104

22. Civil War #3

23. Civil War X-Men #1

24. Civil War X-Men #2

25. Cable & Deadpool #30

26. Cable & Deadpool #31

27. X-Factor v2 #9

28. New Avengers #22

29. New Avengers #23

30. Black Panther v4 #18

31. Wolverine v3 #44

32. Wolverine v3 #45

33. Young Avengers & Runaways #1

34. Young Avengers & Runaways #2

35. Daily Bugle - Wednesday July 19, 2006

36. Civil War Frontline #4

37. Civil War Frontline #5

38. Amazing Spider-Man v2 #534

39. Fantastic Four #539

40. Ms. Marvel v2 #6

41. Ms. Marvel v2 #7

42. Thunderbolts #105

43. Heroes for Hire v2 #1

44. Civil War Files

45. Civil War #4

46. Wolverine v3 #46

47. Wolverine v3 #47

48. Civil War X-Men #3

49. Civil War X-Men #4

50. Amazing Spider-Man v2 #535

51. Civil War Frontline #6

52. Civil War Frontline #7

53. Young Avengers & Runaways #3

54. Young Avengers & Runaways #4

55. Heroes for Hire v2 #2

56. Heroes for Hire v2 #3

57. Cable & Deadpool #32

58. Captain America v5 #22

59. Captain America v5 #23

60. Fantastic Four #540

61. Ms. Marvel #8

62. New Avengers v4 #24

63. Civil War Choosing Sides

64. Black Panther v4 #421

65. Civil War #5

66. New Avengers #25

67. Invincible Iron-Man v4 #13

68. Invincible Iron-Man v4 #14

69. Amazing Spider-Man #536

70. Civil War Frontline #8

71. Civil War Frontline #9

72. Wolverine v3 #48

73. Punisher War Journal v2 #1

74. Black Panther v4 #22

75. Black Panther v4 #23

76. Captain America v5 #24

77. Civil War War Crimes

78. Iron-Man Captain America: Casualties of War

79. Fantastic Four #541

80. Winter Soldier Winter Kills

81. Moon Knight #7

82. Moon Knight #8

83. Moon Knight #9

84. Moon Knight #10

85. Civil War #6

86. Civil War Frontline

87. Amazing Spider-Man 537

88. Punisher War Journal v2 #2

89. Punisher War Journal v2 #3

90. Blade #5

91. Civil War The Return

92. Black Panther v4 #24

93. Fantastic Four #542

94. Civil War #7

95. Amazing Spider-Man #538

96. Black Panther v4 #25

97. Civil War Frontline #11

98. Civil War Battle Damage Report

99. Fantastic Four #543

100. Invicible Iron-Man v4 #15

101. Captain America v5 #25

102. Civil War The Confession

103. Civil War The Initiative

104. Marvel Spotlight Civil War Aftermath

I hope you enjoy the comics, and the movie adaptation. I remember being in sixth and seventh grade when I read this event for the first time, and now I am 22 going to watch it in 3-D. With years ahead of us filled with superhero films, let us not forget where they are derived. Let us give admiration to both mediums, and the ones who work laboriously to bring us these great works.

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