Is 'Pokemon Go' Encouraging Us To Break Laws?
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Is 'Pokemon Go' Encouraging Us To Break Laws?

As petty as it sounds, this brings me concern

Is 'Pokemon Go' Encouraging Us To Break Laws?
pkmn Go

After more than a decade later, 90’s kids are rejoicing over the new popular game Pokémon Go that once filled their childhood with entertainment and enjoyment. Being that this new and improved game has struck more than different age groups, the male sex, and more than just the gamer community, it has won over the attention of social media for the time being. Although I am not one to join this majority, I have seen both sides of people that obsess over this game and people who threw the towel in with no interest towards it. I feel that some key things being ignored is the dangers and problems that this game has created and it’s important to recognize this before it becomes a bigger issue than what it really is.

Trespassing. This one is most concerning. I’ve read so many jokes via Facebook and Twitter that joke about children and kids knocking on doors and requesting to enter the property in search of their creatures. Not only was I flabbergasted at the fact that children were bombarding into stranger territory but the fact that they thought nothing of it? Whether it be a hoax and for a good laugh, I see no humor in child endangerment and illegal trespassing.

Loitering. Besides the fact that being nose deep in your phone isn’t so uncommon these days, I can’t tell you how many times I see kids running around the grocery store, gas stations, school lots, etc. chasing these imaginary animations. Although these are public places, there are still set laws regarding people hanging out in or around an area for longer than certain periods of time without any regards to having any interaction with the store itself. I understand these kids are either unaware or pay no mind to these things, but it’s the parents that end up paying these hefty fines.

Using Your Phone While Driving. One of the BIGGEST problems and dangers with our generation. With numbers constantly rising concerning everybody’s safety is using any type of mobile or technological device while operating a vehicle. With new laws set in place for texting and driving, we seem to still underestimate the hazards of using anything that involves attention while taking focus away from the road. With age groups varying from youngin’s to the 90’s kids who put their heart and soul into the cards, the advantage of having a vehicle to move all over town is definitely a benefit. Having a second person with you when deciding to use your options of moving around town should be a must considering safety is the obvious choice.

Being Out Past Curfew. This being a very minor law that reflects more on a younger age group, I feel this is still being put on a back burner. The other night my family and I decided to grab something to eat after a late night movie and while waiting on our food to arrive my brother decided to make his way out to the parking lot in hopes to catch a few treasure. (Being the protective sister I am this obviously caused some paranoia and worry being that it was past midnight and we weren’t in the safest area of town). With my heartbeat slowing down at the sign of him walking back into the restaurant we were at I felt that I was finally able to breathe again. He began to tell us that there was another guy in the parking lot that he noticed hung around the area for a bit before disappearing back to his property. I mention this because whether this be a dangerous or harmless situation, if any problem broke out in the mix of this, my brother would not only be facing charges for loitering but also because of being underage, the curfew law could also be used against him as well. Thank goodness we didn’t have to find out what those consequences may be, it was a possibility.

Being that fines are the least of anybody’s worries, safety is the most important key here. Unfortunately, most people don’t recognize these things until it’s too late to try again and making people realize these hazards can’t be stressed enough. Thankfully, I haven’t heard of tragedies regarding this game yet, and hopefully I won’t, but it’s a possibility. Before people make some permanent decisions based on an achievement they hope to score in this game, I hope they recognize the reality of what could really go wrong under these kinds of circumstances.

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