Planes, Trains Or Automobiles?
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Planes, Trains Or Automobiles?

It's about the journey, not the destination.

Planes, Trains Or Automobiles?
Heart of a Vagabond

In today’s day and age, it is easier than ever to explore the incredible world we live in. I have been very fortunate that I have had the opportunity to travel and see different countries. In my traveling, I have used what most would consider the three main types of transportation: trains, planes and automobiles. When traveling, it can be difficult to decide which is the best means of transportation. Of course, some options are obvious choices (such as flying across the Pacific Ocean), but it is important to consider all your options. Please keep in mind that since I live in America, this is mostly what I am basing my opinions on. I have come up with my own personal comparison between these three methods of transportation to show you that flying may not always be the best option.


Pros: People have been taking trains to get from one place to another for a couple hundred years now, yet it isn’t usually a popular travel option. Trains are great for taking in the in's and out's of the city, which seems to be what most people use them for. I know for years, my family would take the train into Boston because it was easier than trying to navigate and drive. Trains are a great option if you will be going to a big city like New York City or Boston and want a cheap and easy way to get around. Don’t forget that trains can also be used to be taken across the country! I never considered this until I did it with my boyfriend; we took the train from Orlando all the way up to Boston. It is a great way to spend time with somebody you enjoy being with. The seats on the train were also very comfortable, and unlike a plane, it was easy to get up and walk around. There were even a couple stops where they would let you get off to stretch your legs. The train also has many more food options than a plane because you can choose to eat in the dining car or the cafe/lounge car. Another thing I loved about the train was getting to actually see the countryside. It was a lot of fun to see the country from that view.

Cons: As you can expect, train rides across the country take a long time. It took us about 30 hours to get up the coast, which is quite a while. By the next morning you kind of run out of things to do and the last few hours are a bit agonizing. You also have to buy food unless you plan ahead and bring enough meals. The food isn’t terribly expensive (about $30 for two people per meal) but it definitely isn’t cheap and it will add up. Another negative about taking the train is that the scenery goes by so fast and you don’t have the liberty of getting out if you see something interesting. Probably the most disappointing thing for me was that I felt like I only saw trees.


Pros: Planes can be a breeze! They offer a fast and easy way to get basically anywhere you could ever possibly want to go. Planes make it convenient to travel around the globe, or across the state. Obviously planes are the main option if you plan on traveling across the ocean. There are also so many different airlines to travel that you can find the perfect flight that works for you. This offers many more departure options than trains and goes to more cities. Planes are also the fastest way to get to your destination (in most cases). One of the amazing things about planes is watching the ground below you—which is why I highly recommend a window seat! It is incredible to see the world from that prospective and is something you won’t get with a train or car. You can fly with the sunrise or see rainbows in a new light or just the way the earth dips and rises. Another positive with trains is free food! Almost all flights offer free in-flight beverages (non-alcoholic) and snacks. Also transatlantic, and some transcontinental, flights provide free meals during the flight at the appropriate times.

Cons: Planes can get expensive and they can get expensive fast. There is more planning than you would think when it comes to flights. Choosing an affordable one can often take a fair amount of searching, despite what those Travelocity ads say. Another problem with planes is that you may have to choose one that has a layover. While layovers can be a nice opportunity to stretch your legs, they can also be incredibly stressful. A tight layover can lead to you missing your flight and having to find a new one. Not all airlines will be nice or helpful in helping you find a new flight either. Another downfall for planes are the little, uncomfortable seats and the fact that you don’t have much opportunity to get up and walk around.


Pros: There are a lot of good times to be had driving along the open road. If you enjoy driving, then this is definitely a great option for you! It allows you to go at your own pace and decide where and when you want to stop. One of the best things is just pulling off the highway to try out a local restaurant or see some of the sights. Driving actually lets you experience the states or towns that you go through—unlike a train. Another great perk of driving is that it is usually cheaper, especially if the drive can be made in a single day. Of course taking a car isn’t the only form of automobiles, you can take a bus! Buses are another cheap option if you need to get somewhere but don’t feel comfortable driving the distance yourself. They are also nice to take into the city because you don’t have to worry about parking. In addition to buses you could consider renting an RV. These are great for families and long road trips! They make it easier for you eat, use the bathroom, and just enjoy each other’s company! Also parking an RV will be cheaper than staying in a hotel.

Cons: Car rides, like train rides, are long. Which also means they can get boring pretty fast, especially if you are by yourself. You can’t get up and take a walk down the aisle of a train or plane and pulling over adds time onto the trip. Another problem with driving is that traffic can be unpredictable which can be a pain in the neck. If there is more traffic than expected, it will likely upset you and could disrupt some of your travel plans. With driving you also have to focus on what you are doing the entire way there. There is not much time for relaxation unless you have somebody to switch off driving with.

Whichever transportation method you choose, your vacation is sure to still be amazing! Good luck and have fun!

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