The 25 Types Of People You Meet At Music Festivals
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The 25 Types Of People You Meet At Music Festivals

You probably are one of them.

The 25 Types Of People You Meet At Music Festivals
Personal Photo: Ansley Cartwright


1. The girl who came for the outfits rather than the music

This is the girl in long flowy skirts and dresses to the ground that are completely unequipt for any type of pit but spends the entire time taking pictures where the lighting is good instead of being where the bands are.

2. The 7th grader with blue hair

You feel like you're surrounded by kids when you see high schoolers everywhere but the edgy middle schooler takes "all ages" to an uncomfortable level when a crazy mom is screaming to move her 4'9 kid to the front who can't see.

3. The Hawaiian shirt and chaco heard of high school boys

The epitome of festival style

4. The Jersey Boys

Start a bingo sheet of the top NBA teams and check off all the players you see at the show. Full teams and 3456789 Jordan Jerseys later, and you feel like you're at a fraternity party rather than a festival.

5. The millennial who brings a blow up couch

If you're going to be 37 and drunk off of $11 beers, you might as well do it on an inflatable couch at a stage where no oneis preforming.

6. The cool dad

The guy 30 years ahead of the average age of everyone around them but enjoying every second of it despite possibly wearing ear plugs.

7. The girls trip

This group of 35-40 year old women all with a collage of colorful tattoos and a fanny pack is ready to party- at least with the cocktails.

8. The people that only come for the first band

These people will go all out for the noon show, shoving through all two lines of people waiting for the headliners, and will scream every word of songs no one else knows.

9. The people that only come for the headliner

These people will be one of two places at the festival. 1. Camping by the barricade all day and maybe handcuffing themselves to it or 2. out in Atlanta not caring to see any other artist and would rather shop at ponce or eat downtown.

10. The high school girls in camouflage

Break out your push-up bra you invested in, low cut crop top your dad doesn't know you spent your babysitting monney on, and your forever 21 shorts that show more than the cheeky bathing suit you bought on Zaful. These girls look too old to have "2002" on their license shoved in their phone case.

11. The 100lb girl who passes out in the pit

Take care of yourself.

12. The Halloween activist

These people have costumes with no where to wear them, so an overly accepting festival culture seems to be the perfect place to whip out your Waldo beanie, Viking helmet, or old Halloween outfit.

13. The Romhims

The ones who try too hard to be ironically trendy that end up matching 12 other guys trying to prove how quirky they are.

14. The Pasty Club

See through shirts are in, meaning pasties are popular. However, in summer sweat, this may not always be the cutest idea.

15. The Political Activist

Fraternity tailgates bring you Brian Kemp Stickers and music festivals give you FDT ones. At a place with thousands of people, what better place to advertise your political opinion to complete strangers.

16. The girl throwing up on the hill

Its 1 o'clock in the afternoon, but she isn't the only one.

17. The Family Affair

Your favorite suburban family here to celebrate Jaxxstyn and Tinsleigh's birthdays than to bring the entire family out to a festival to listen to the kids who begged to come complain about the walking and the heat for all 12 hours.

18. The High Tide

The group coming in about 2 hours after the first act higher than the Cotton Club hill because alcohol is too expensive and the two edibles they ate just kicked in.

19. The "famous"

Welcome to the social media stars who live on the east coast and can't afford to live in LA on an instagram model's salary. However, to maintain the aesthetic, they have to post cute pictures from the local music festival after missing Cochella for their part time job.

20. The Followers

The chain of 14 people holding hands moving through a crowd to "find their friends" with the pushiest and most aggressive of the bunch leading the pack.

21. The Losers

Those who have lost their friends will try to find someone to put them on their shoulders for them to scream everywhere asking for their friend who disappeared for frozen lemonade half an hour ago.

22. The Videographers

How else will people know you went to a music festival if all 12 hours of it aren't on your snapchat story?

23. The Nappers

There is a weird collection of people napping on a random hill. You may have accidentally stepped on their hair or knocked over their almost empty cup.

24. The Flaggers

These are people wearing flags as clothing- or in most cases, capes. Whether its LGBT rainbow flag, or a country's that I can't remember from my geography class, these people know how to rep.

25. The Concert Junkies

This is their 32nd festival, they are not married because a significant other would not support their 15 airbnb charges a year for shows. They have a fanny pack the exact dimensions of the limit packed with everything they could ever need. Not their first rodeo.

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