"Parks and Rec" Characters Ranked By Presidential Success
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"Parks and Rec" Characters Ranked By Presidential Success

If only it were true.

"Parks and Rec" Characters Ranked By Presidential Success

The upcoming presidential election has me thinking of a simpler, slightly more imaginary world. Namely, the "Parks and Recreation" universe. It was a place where disappointment was always avoidable and compromises between two completely different political minds, Leslie and Ron, were always possible. In light of the ridiculous tragedy that is the American electoral process, let's reflect on who would make the best (and worst) president of our beloved cast.

13. Jean-Ralphio Saperstein

Strength: Confidence and charisma

Weakness: Every other personality trait he possesses

Jean-Ralphio is a wonderful hooligan who should not be given any responsibility at any time forever. While he would throw the most out-of-this-world inauguration party, he would be impeached almost immediately for a combination of petty thift and bringing illegal exotic animals into the West Wing.

Political Equivalent: Arnold Schwarzenegger for his supreme swagger and general idiocy.

12. Mark Brendanawicz

Strength: Reasonably intelligent

Weakness: Being a Mark Brendanaquitter

Political Equivalent: William Harrison, the president who died after a month in office after catching pneumonia at his swearing in.

11. Jerry/Larry/Terry/Gary Gergich

Strength: Resilience. He gets knocked down, and he gets up again. (Bonus: Having a hot family. Always good for politics.)

Weakness: Being a mumbling, fumbling, mess of a person who would be a political door mat. Poor, sweet Jerry would make a terrible president, but he wouldn't even want that for himself. He just wants to vacation with Gale in Muncie, Indiana. Leave the poor man out of this. He does not have the temperate to survive a primary debate.

Political Equivalent: William Taft, the president who got stuck in a bathtub. That is the presidential equivalent of having a "fart attack."

10. Andy Dwyer

Strength: Kindness and earnestness. Andy would be a golden retriever of a president and April would make a killer First Lady.

Weakness: Inability to focus and remember things. A president who writes his itinerary on his arm is no president at all.

Political Equivalent: George W. Bush

9. Craig Middlebrooks

Strength: Caring too much!

Weakness: Caring too much! (and relying on rides from Madison, who drove him here). He would definitely criticize voters at his own rallies and would be a disaster at handling foreign relationships.

Political Equivalent: Bernie Sanders, in volume of speech only.

8. Ann Perkins

Strength: Empathy.

Weakness: Ability to be coerced and influenced by the people in her life.

Political Equivalent: James Madison. Not the biggest hitter in the room, but thoughtful and effective.

7. Tom Haverford

Strength: Business know-how, schmoozing, and flair for creating a great environment.

Weakness: Irresponsible in the name of aesthetic and lack of foresight.

Political Equivalent: Bill Clinton. A smooth-talking, morally ambiguous politician whose fantastical life may eclipse his political success.

6. April Ludgate

Strength: Won't put up with nonsense. Also Andy would make an awesome First Gentlemen because he loves children and would do a great job with education programs.

Weakness: Unmotivated if she doesn't care about an issue (which would be likely).

Political Equivalent: Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Quiet, thoughtful, and badass as hell.

5. Ron Swanson

Strength: Integrity.

Weakness: Stubbornness.

Political Equivalent: Andrew Jackson for his hatred of large government, but not for the genocide.

4. Chris Traeger

Strength: Positivity and endurance.

Weakness: Sensitivity.

Political Equivalent: 2008 Barack Obama. Before he became tired and effective, Obama once had virtually no gray hair and the most infectious supply of energy of any political figure in recent memory.

3. Leslie Knope

Strength: Compassion, organization, dedication, passion, integrity, honesty, transparency, and strength of spirit.

Weakness: Idealism and a tendency to resist compromise. Leslie's feud with Ron in the last season is evidence that her refusal to drop a disagreement can hurt the people she holds influence over.

Political Equivalent: I'll let you know when one exists.

2. Ben Wyatt

Strength: Willing to compromise, intelligent, familiarity with government, and economic experience.

Weakness: Bad public speaker, dedication to "nerdy" pursuits could make him unpopular.

Political Equivalent: George Washington. Like Washington, Ben is thoughtful, cognizant of what his actions mean for other people, and willing to compromise for the best interest of everyone involved even when the temptation to act in the name of passion is strong.

1. Donna Meagle

Strength: Indomitable will, no-nonsense, expert mediator and contractor, magnetic personality, and an inimitable confidence. Treat yo self to imagining all that could be if Donna Meagle was the leader of the free world.

Weakness: Please.

Political Equivalent: Queen Elizabeth. A no-nonsense presence that demands respect and gets the job done, who has an infinite supply of would-be suitors that she frequently rejects. Donna Meagle can get it.

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