Paranormal Investigating vs. Ghost Hunting
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Paranormal Investigating vs. Ghost Hunting

Seeking the truth in the Paranormal Field

Paranormal Investigating vs. Ghost Hunting
Hillside Cemetery - Sam Azzaro

Within the past few years my love for the paranormal has grown from attending the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater, due to all the creepy urban legends, strange occurrences, and history that makes up the town appropriately dubbed 'Second Salem.' Being the president of the Second Salem Paranormal Investigation Team and a team member of the Wisconsin Illinois Paranormal Investigation Team, I've learned that there are many differences between being a Paranormal Investigator and what the media has portrayed, because there is so much more than meets the eye.

1. Investigating is not "Hunting"
When looking into the paranormal field, going into homes, businesses, and other locations, the idea is to inspect and explore the claims of activity, pursuing logical explanations for any experiences that have happened, and so much more. When relating investigation techniques, research, etc. to "hunting" it makes it seem that if there are spirits, they are only there to harm the living. The idea that "every ghost is pissed off and out to get you," only makes the clients and community all the more terrified of their homes or businesses, instead of becoming accepting in the end.

2. Research is necessary!
It is nearly impossible to fully understand any activity, stories, or the history of a location without doing research about it. From searching local records, first hand accounts, looking into historical societies, reading old newspapers, or doing intense google and database searches it can only benefit your investigation and help later in evidence review! Going blindly into a location, locking down for a night, and not knowing a single thing about the place will never lead towards a successful night.

3. It's okay to be scared, but don't run away screaming!
Everyone has their fears, and for some paranormal investigators, like myself, we brave the cold darkness to find out the truth about the afterlife. One of the best things you could ever do while investigating is trusting your gut instinct, but remember that what you are doing has purpose to it! Even if you are scared and need to get out of a situation, the best way to do so is in a professional manner. If running away screaming is your best method of ending the night, then I can guarantee you that the owners of the location will not only be more terrified, but will more than likely never have you back again... like ever.

4. Removal or "Exorcism" is not the main goal.
As I previously mentioned, not all spirits, if they are there, are demons or otherwise evil and out to get you. Many were once human too, and depending on if they are intelligent beings or residual hauntings, there are reasons why they still wanna hang around in your home. Maybe they left their favorite necklace under the floorboards and want it returned, or they left the oven on, who knows? Regardless, helping their unfinished business can help put the spirit to ease, without the use of exorcisms or any other crazy removal practices.

5. Evidence Review takes FOREVER
No matter how you conduct your investigations, the styles of investigating, and how much equipment is used, there will always be the many, many, MANY hours required to go through each documenting evidence to see if something was captured. This can take days, weeks, or even be split into months depending on all the previous factors. It is tedious, time consuming, but so rewarding finding that one piece of evidence of a ghost singing at the top of the stairs.

7. Being a skeptic is great!
One of the best things you can be in the paranormal field is an open minded skeptic. The team leader of the Wisconsin-Illinois PIT, Laura Baker, is known for saying
“The main thing to remember is that everyone should keep an open mind. Don’t say it doesn’t exist without searching and finding out for yourself.”This being said, not everything is going to be paranormal, it could simply be high electromagnetic fields from your fridge running, weird power surges, the building being built incorrectly leading to objects falling or moving due to gravity, and so much more, but without grabbing a flashlight, camera, and investigating for yourself, you could never know.

8. To seek the truth and to help the community should be the main goal
The paranormal field, I believe has a multitude of people within it, focusing on different goals such as capturing legitimate evidence, collecting stories, spreading awareness, and helping people. While these are some of the reasons people are interested in it, at the end of the day when a homeowner contacts you for help in figuring out what is going on their home and how to reclaim it, it should come your main goal to help in any way that you can. Not only will you get the best experience in helping another person, but you can really make a difference for the living and the dead.

In all seriousness, I grew up watching Ghost Busters, Ghost Hunters, and more which really sparked my love when I was young. Being an investigator is one of the best decisions I've ever made, as the people I've met, experiences I've gained, and knowledge I have learned is unforgettable. Whatever your reasons are for being interested in the paranormal field, I hope that you never close your mind off from the possibilities of the beyond, as anyone can become a paranormal investigator. So next time you hear something go bump in the night, grab a flashlight, audio recorder, and a friend and have your own ghost adventures!

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