The day you left me and the day I let you walk out.
Those were two different days. The day you left me, I was
broken, I was weak, I wasn’t right for you. You left me and found someone new.
I just found it funny that not long before you left me you told me “I think I’m
falling for you.” How do you leave someone after telling that person that you
are falling for them?
What type of person does that? And to someone they supposedly cared about? A liar. A dick. A child. Not a man. All these things are what my friends told me you were while I was laying there silent on my bed staring at nothing.
The only problem with you leaving me, you didn’t actually leave. You lingered. You kept talking to me, every time you were single or alone. I was the person you hit up on the phone. And me, I was too stupid to ignore you. Do you know why? Of course, you do, that’s why you kept texting me, because I still had feelings for you. So, you kept digging, you kept twisting the knife making me think you were my friend, that you still wanted me.
You want to know something else? I tried to get over. I tried so damn hard. I even dated other people, and every time I did, you remember what you would tell me? “He’s not good enough for you. He doesn’t deserve you.” All those things that I did not need nor want to hear. What made you think I wanted your opinion? I was trying to get over you, to not think about how you hurt me.
Finally, FINALLY I found myself. I found a strong woman. One that did not need you in her life. I had dreams that you were holding me back from. I finally opened my eyes and cleared the muck of you that was left over in them. I could see my life without you. I watched you with other girls and was not sad, I would laugh realizing you were their problem now. I did not have to worry about you holding me back in the small town that you could not escape from.
I have dreams that exceeded that little town we both call home, those dreams would not be reached with you holding me back. Sometimes, in order to find yourself, you have to be destroyed. You have to rebuild what was broken, keeping some of the old for the foundation and adding the new to make it strong. I let you leave my life and I am happy. You thought you were leaving a weak little girl but instead you created a strong woman.