An Open Letter To Fellow Bernie Sanders Supporters | The Odyssey Online
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An Open Letter To Fellow Bernie Sanders Supporters

There have been some practices by Sanders supporters that have reflected the Vermont Senator poorly.

An Open Letter To Fellow Bernie Sanders Supporters
Five Thirty Eight

Dear fellow Bernie Sanders supporters,

First, this open letter does not apply to all supporters of Sanders. There are some that have done their homework, know the issues and proposed solutions that Bernie talks about, and have carried on his political revolution in a respectable fashion.

There are some, however, that haven't.

I'd also like to prelude by establishing that I don't think that I'm better or smarter than who I'm talking to. Maybe, just by saying that, I dug myself into a hole (i.e. Trump: "I am the least racist person that you have ever met." However, being supporters of a great critical thinking, I have faith that you will hear me through and hopefully get something positive out of this.

The media has been quick to criticize Sanders' self-proclaimed socialist stance and radical propositions since his announcement for candidacy last April. And while that hasn't stopped, the media is doing something now what many people would call "smart": criticizing Sanders' most fervent supporters: young people.

In the Democratic caucus earlier this February, one in which Sanders actually lost, though by a narrow margin, Sanders actually won 84% of the vote by voters between the ages of 17 and 29, as opposed to Clinton's 14%. And with such a heavy win, the media, arguably afraid of Sanders, opposition to it, in the mainstream, is trying to attack these supporters and, ultimately, undermining the true reason for his success: because he, um, umm.

Just kidding. Fox News did a "Watters' World" segment, a segment where interviewer Jesse Watters asks young people about things that are sure to get embarrassing answers like who our first president was (it was actually John Hanson; don't let anybody tell you different.) In this one, though, Watters interviewed Oregon students on why they support Senator Sanders.

Now I can go on about how biased this segment was, how aggressive Watters was in his tactics, how I'm sure that the inclusion of sensible answers were not included, and how the rhetorical question "did Sweden ever put a man on the moon?" is the interrogative equivalent of a Michael Bay film, but I'm not going to do that.

The truth is that there are some Sanders supporters that don't know too much about his platform. And this isn't just Fox News. CNN has interviewed supporters. The Blaze has done this. Some supporters are more focused on Bernie's most attractive ideas, and not how would work, why they should happen, as well as the full scope of his ideas to more non-sexy things like closing loopholes for corporations. If only we had Margot Robbie in a bathtub to explain this, right The Big Short fans? What? You haven't seen The Big Short? Definitely check it out. It's awesome and it's directed by the same guy who directed Anchorman, but don't think that those to movies are the same in any way other than Steve Carell is in both of them.

I could easily criticize people who are criticizing young supporters of Sanders, because people not voting for Sanders based on other people's ignorance of his policies is just as based as having ignorance of his policies. However, I'd like address this from the source. It's our responsibility, as the most popular supporters of the Jewish/Atheist(?) Vermont Senator, to show that we do know what we're talking about. There are a few things to go over.

Know what socialism is.

Growing up in a post-housing market collapse world, it's not too surprising that young people are on board with a socialist candidate. And while socialism is arguably a counterpoint to capitalism, and, as Seth MacFarlane said in a Sanders rally "when there's too much salt, add water" to the soup that is our economic system, some people really don't understand what socialism is.

More or less, socialism is the practice of the government overseeing and being in charge of programs that intend to benefit the public.

Know how socialism has affected the United States.

Many of our most coveted institutions in the United States have been socialist; Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and the Public Education system, among others, have been very successful, relatively low cost programs that have benefited all classes for years, and with no apocalypse or government overthrow from the lower class to result from it.

Know how Sanders would apply socialism.

When asked by debate moderators if Sanders truly is a socialist, you'll see an answer along these lines: "By being a socialist, I mean that I am outraged that the top 1% gets more income than the bottom 40% and the top 1% owns more wealth than the bottom 90%." Socialism is a higher principle that will drive his principles and decisions if elected. He is not going to try to turn the United States into a totally socialist state, nor does he want to. He wants the lower and middle class to get the respect and distribution of wealth that they deserve. If that's socialism, call me a socialist.

Understand why he is advocating for things like free tuition and how we would go about doing it.

Free tuition is a very attractive offer from a Presidential candidate, and while some college students are on board, some of those not in college are understandably against it. Interestingly, both groups often neglect to know why and how this will be achieved. Sanders isn't advocating for free college just to win voters and make things free for the sake of being free. He's advocating for free college because well-deserving young people can not go to college simply because of their family's income, not because of their grades. He's advocating for free college because student debt cripples this nation, and people can not get out of it until they're in their thirties. He's advocating for free college because many other industrialized countries like Germany and France offer it with success.

*"free" for some of these countries means embedded in income taxes

And while skeptics don't know how the government could conjure up the money to pay for something like this, which would be an estimated $47 billion dollars, raising the tax rate for just the top .1% from 33.4% of income to 40% would generate $55 million of revenue, more than enough to pay for it, according to the New York Times.

And free college would promote social mobility and a middle and lower class that aren't as strongholded by debt. It's programs like these that benefit the middle and lower class by creating a rippling effect. Programs like these can benefit our people in ways that aren't just seen at a surface, and that's why many are turned off by his programs: the surface.

I discussed earlier about Bernie Sanders supporters who were ignorant of his platform, something I already covered. What I also discussed was the conduct of supporters. I'm talking sexism, alienation and, the glorious "Bernie Bros".

Some Sanders supporters, very eager to get Democrats on the same page, have tried to coerce Hillary supporters to joining their side, and many men have turned this into a sex issue. After Madeline Albright controversially called voting for Hillary a "feminist duty", the floodgates were opened for the argument of sex, with Run the Jewels rapper Killer Mike saying at a Sanders rally "A uterus does not qualify you as President."

Don't talk about sex--unless you're referring to equal pay for equal work

First of all, if you think women are voting for Hillary based on sex, you're not going to win. You just aren't. Women have been the most discriminated against faction in history, more than any race, religion, or Knicks fan. Now that most people are finally coming around to women, and there's a woman that's actually the frontrunner for president, there is no way you're going to convince anyone that people are voting for a woman because she is a woman. Hillary Clinton is the most qualified candidate, and she has had a fantastic tenure in politics. Don't try to undermine people's decisions, especially in such a frivolous manner. Be like Bernie: take the high road.

Second, it's not true--on a grand scale, at least. In New Hampshire, 55% of female voters chose Bernie Sanders over Hillary Clinton, according to the Huffington Post. There is also an upstart, conflicting Steinem's remarks, that a feminist duty is to pick people regardless of sex, and many women are actually voting for Bernie, not Hillary, because Hillary reminds them of their mother.

As a Sanders supporter, focus on what Sanders is focusing on: the issues. Anything else is just politics.

Just be a more respectable supporter, and understand that your behavior as a Sanders is a reflection on him.

In my high school basketball pre-season meetings, my coach would discuss conduct out of class. "When you're out in public, wearing your varsity jacket," he said, "your behavior is a reflection of the program and the town." If you act obstreperously on social media, you're going to paint Senator Sanders in a negative light. But if you're upstanding, kind, and just more respectable, you're going to not only make Sanders seem more like it, but also more attractive as someone to vote for.

And by obstreperous, I mean throwing invectives at supporters of other candidates. For things like the "on the issues" memes? I think they're fine. To me, they're a symbol for Bernie consistently making more comprehensive, sensical statements than Hillary on the issues. And they're hilarious.

Most importantly, take a thorough look on all of the candidates, and make the choice you want to make.

The "political revolution" does seem exciting, and while it's enticing to jump on the Bernie Bandwagon, it's important to really to take time out of your day to focus on the qualifications and values of each of the candidates. Netflix can wait. You're only going to vote for who you think should be the next leader of the Free World. Give each candidate a shot, even the ones that want to deny Muslims from entering the country. And what I'm talking about isn't lunacy; it's democracy.

Yours truly,

Brent Leoni

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