October Is My Favorite Color
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October Is My Favorite Color

Autumn is hands down the best season in Michigan.

October Is My Favorite Color

Living in the state of Michigan is an incredible opportunity that comes with a lot of pride. We are blessed with the mighty Great Lakes, one of the largest fresh water sources in the world, keeping our fields irrigated, beaches beautiful, and climate relatively consistent. We are blessed to have a growing economy, which is bouncing back with vigor as more jobs open and small businesses take off. We are blessed to have four seasons (even if winter seems to last for six out of the 12 months).

Each season comes with its own beauty and benefits. Winter brings magnificent snowflakes, some thick and fluffy, others dainty enough to have been crafted by fairies. With winter we get light dustings of snow that coat the ground and trees like a layer of sweet glistening sugar. Other mornings we awake to find that the sky has opened with a fury and is relinquishing its frustration in a thick icy sleet. Regardless of the number of inches of snow that fall, the subarctic temperatures make us Michiganders tough! Also, I never complain about the fact that winter gives me a few extra days to sleep in, when the phone rings at 4:45 a.m., indicating a snow day!

Photo Credit: Visit Grand Haven Facebook

When the snow miser finally releases his grip on our Mitten, our state is literally reborn. From a barren and muddy desolation, green sprouts breathing life and hope to all inhabitants of the state. Occasionally we awake to find a layer of frost coating the buds, reminding us of colder times and keeping us thankful that warmer weather is approaching. As the green turns to vivid yellows, oranges, and pinks, rainy spring days reach into the upper 60s and lower 70s with a promise of beach weather.

Photo Credit: Mike Borstler

Finally days start to get longer and the sun shines a little brighter as spring slides into summer. Summer brings barefoot walks on the beach, a sticky sweat from the intense humidity, ice cream treats to cool down, and tourists. Glorious sunset pictures become the cover photos of everyone’s social media profile as the sun streaks the clouds with a blend of vivid pinks, reds, purples, and orange before saying goodnight, revealing a clear black sky dotted with warm stars.

Photo Credit: Grand Haven Vacation Rentals

Soon the night sky becomes foggy with wisps of clouds, and the moon hangs low and full in the sky with a blood orange tinge, and it becomes clear that Michigan’s best season is beginning. The trees take a break and begin to relax and drop their leaves as they transform from vibrant green to golden yellow and burnt red. As cool gusts of wind blow the summer warmth away, leaves swirl to the ground, waiting to be crunched on long walks and runs with friends. Sweaters and scarves make their debut as Michiganders layer up to conserve heat as temperatures drop into the low 50s. The front steps of homes begin to bear glowing faces as pumpkins are carved and crafted with care. The world’s best candy, Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup Pumpkins can be purchased in the checkout at Meijer. Not only are these perfectly proportioned chocolate peanut butter delicacies available, the world’s most luscious latte is on the menu as well. A pumpkin spice latte is the perfect blend of sweet and spice that warms you from your stomach to the tips of your fingers and toes. During autumn my diffuser is always pumping out a stream of orange and cinnamon, or Thieves essential oils, warming my sinuses and keeping the fall sniffles at bay.

Without a doubt, autumn is my favorite season in the glorious state of Michigan. Tourists have got it wrong when they come in the summer to enjoy the beach weather. Long walks in the woods on a clear and sunny yet cool fall day, with a hot tea in hand, followed by apple picking and pumpkin carving, is one of the most enjoyable ways to spend time in Michigan. Personally, I’m okay
keeping this secret between my fellow Michiganders and me!

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