No Bacon Cheeseburger For You! | The Odyssey Online
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No Bacon Cheeseburger For You!

The Kim Davis analogy.

No Bacon Cheeseburger For You!

Many Americans rejoiced on June 26, 2015; the day the Supreme Court came down with a controversial and historic 5-4 ruling that same sex couples have a fundamental right to marriage. The following Monday however, in Rowan County, Ky., Clerk Kim Davis announced that she would stop signing marriage licenses because gay marriage contradicted her fundamental religious beliefs and she did not want to discriminate against a specific group of people.

Days later however, the American Civil Liberty Union (ACLU) of Kentucky filed a class action lawsuit representing four Rowan county couples who were denied marriage licenses by Davis. Two of those four partnerships were gay couples and the other two were heterosexual relationships.

As the summer progressed, the clerks who stood up with Davis asked governor Steve Beshear for legislation that would prevent them from signing marriage licenses that conflict with their religious beliefs. Governor Beshear declined and stated that they had to either issue the licenses or resign from their position.

After facing the ultimatum of giving in to her religious beliefs and the possibility of fines and being held in contempt, Davis remained strong. Her loyalty in the face of adversity is almost admirable. U.S. District Judge David Bunning, the presiding Judge, held her in contempt after continuing to not issue marriage licenses to couples earlier this month .

While Davis was in jail, she received visits from presidential candidates Gov. Mike Huckabee (R-Ark) and Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex). Both of them took ardent stances along side her. Huckabee then held a rally for her when she was released and over 5,000 people were in attendance. There, he stated that he would go to jail for her. Then in an interview with CNN, Huckabee claimed that this was an issue of “judicial tyranny.” The Republican nominee hopeful then compared the Supreme Court’s ruling on same sex marriage to the Dred Scott ruling of 1857. That Supreme Court case ruled that black people were lesser than whites. That comparison is an egregious one because the case from this summer leveled the equality playing field, whereas the Dred Scott case did the opposite. Governor Huckabee has taken a hard stance on the Kim Davis situation and in many people’s minds, he falls on the wrong side.

Let’s just think about how ridiculous this is using this metaphoric simulation:

My name is Schlomo Goldstein and I identify as an orthodox Jew, but only recently have I begun to follow the rules of kashrut, or to keep kosher. But that interferes with my job description because I’m an employee at McDonald's. I understand that the meat does not follow kashrut and have accepted that but refuse to serve bacon cheeseburgers. Bacon cheeseburgers break some of the most basic rules of kashrut and I just won’t stand for it…should I get fired for refusing to do my job?

There are a number of other scenarios and the only difference is what the employee refuses to do (a nurse not giving vaccinations, a convenient store clerk refusing to check someone out if they have condoms, etc.). There was a parallel case in the news that received less news air recently. Charee Stanley, a flight attendant for ExpressJet, refused to serve alcohol to passengers expressing that it went against her Islamic beliefs. Although they had created an arrangement to make everyone happy, after a complaint was filed, Stanley was suspended. But it comes down to this and it’s simple: if you’re getting paid to do a job, and you don’t do it, you should get fired.

In response to the outcry, many people have cited Kim Davis’s First Amendment rights to the freedom of religion. The problem though, is that she has a job to do. If she doesn’t like her job requirements, quit. No one is saying she has to believe it’s right or wrong, Davis just needs to follow through with the responsibilities she says. No one is forcing anyone to continue doing something he or she doesn’t believe in. So at the end of the day, find a job you love and one that is morally acceptable to you. Now, if our society can move on from this issue, we can focus on important things, such as people hacking the Internet and creating fake Google results.

Update: Kim Davis returned to work recently and gave in on her unrealistic demands. Now, Davis's name will not be on the marriage licenses, but the names of her deputies will. The Judge initially gave this option to her, but she still refused. That's when the Judge threatened her with being held in contempt.

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