Nathan's Take: Scammer Time
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Nathan's Take: Scammer Time

I have typed so many Trump quotes that I think my head will start to spin.

Nathan's Take: Scammer Time

America needs more Republicans like this guy.

This guy should be commended and not just for being the first Trump voter to get all the spelling right on a sign. It is just not that easy to admit you have been taken by a con man.

During the campaign, con man Trump said this about the high costs of pharmaceuticals, "And we are gonna get drug prices so far lower than they are now, your head will spin." That's right, he promised to use his deal-making superpowers to get the drug companies to lower prices. After the election, he sat down with big-pharma and what do you know, it turns out that the solution is to not get tough at all; it's to cut regulations. He promised that the Keystone XL pipeline would be made out of American steel; it won't. He promised to be the savior to coal miners, but the headline a few weeks from the "Charleston Gazette-Mail" read, "Trump's Budget Slams West Virginia." I know you real Americans hate to be called stupid, but you've got to meet me halfway and stop being stupid. I would say that Trump is like a used car salesman, but at least with a used car salesman, you get a car. With Trump, you don't any car but you sure get taken for a ride.

He promised that "We're going to have insurance for everybody...much less expensive and much better." Then, when we saw the healthcare bill, it was just a giant tax cut for the rich aided by kicking 24 million people off their health insurance. What a truly novel approach to making health care less expensive: Saving money by not giving people health care. It's like saving money for your kids' education by making them stay home and watch Judge Judy. Again, I don't want to use the "s" word, but then you have to tell me how this sounded at all possible: "You're going to end up with great healthcare for a fraction of the price and that is going take place immediately after we go in. Immediately. Fast. Quick." Believing that health care could be way better at a fraction of the cost is sooo...... silly. It's silly, the Trump approach to healthcare was never going to be repeal and replace, it was always bait and switch. Because that is the conman's approach to everything. Did I say health insurance for all, I meant access to insurance. Did I say that Mexico was going to pay for the wall that keeps drug dealers out and locks the freshness in, I meant Mexico would pay us back. "I will build a great, great wall on our southern border and I will have Mexico pay for that wall." Act now and we will throw in a second wall absolutely free. Trump has promised jobs, you might be asking if they are good jobs. I'm glad you asked. "Massive numbers of jobs. High paying jobs. Good jobs. Not the jobs we have today, which everybody agrees are bad jobs We are going to create massive numbers of good jobs." Right, good jobs in the expanding field of something terrific.

You Trumpsters did not elect the next Reagan, you elected the rich Asian guy who sits on his yacht with a bunch of women in bikinis who tells you to come to his seminars so you can become successful like him. You elected very cheap huckster who you should have known was full of crap because he was always promising the moon. Everything is always foolproof and 100 percent. "But it is a foolproof way of winning the war with ISIS and it will be absolutely 100%-they'll at a minimum come to the table and actually be defeated very quickly." Folks, how much money would you pay to get rid of ISIS very quickly? Don't answer yet, because not only will ISIS be gone like that, here is our guarantee on undocumented immigrants: "They're going out so fast that your head will spin." So, which do you prefer: Winning so much that you're tired of winning or having your head spin. Order now and we will give you everything.

Really, everything. Okay, I won't mock you anymore, you're not the first people to fooled by a guy like Donald Trump. No sense crying over spilled snake oil. You can continue to like him but just admit that he is a conman. And a good one, the one that promises that he will pull out while he is still screwing you.

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