My Universal Language | The Odyssey Online
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My Universal Language

Sometimes, it just takes one thing to create a bond.

My Universal Language
Shannon McGowan

Traditionally, the five rings and blazing torch of the Olympic Games serve as global symbols of an event uniting people from all backgrounds. Therefore, it is doubly disappointing this year's Games are swirling in complications, consternation, and divisiveness.

As political divisions are increasingly driving wedges between people of different cultures and languages, it is troubling seeing a lack of interaction or connection between diverse groups. Often, we get lost in our own circles and fail venturing beyond the comfortable or familiar.

Thankfully, despite this troubling trend, others chose rising above and embracing a global mindset.

Tegucigalpa, Honduras (Photo Credit: Jonathan Garner)

As the Games begin, some of the first events airing on television are the preliminary soccer matches. (The USA Women already have their first win!) Whether you call it soccer, fútbol, or simply the beautiful game, this sport possesses a strange power around the world.

Chipata, Zambia (Photo Credit: Shannon McGowan)

If you ever travel, you observe patches of grass, concrete slabs, or even semi-open areas in the middle of the street filled with running feet and hastily-constructed goal posts. At these places, people of all ages gather galvanized and inspired by 22 or more (depending on the situation) players battling for a ball.

Quelimane, Mozambique (Photo Credit: Kent Cranford)

A game of soccer opens doors and creates bonds hard to break.

Quelimane, Mozambique (Photo Credit: Shannon McGowan)

Complete strangers join the game without a second thought.

Mikrevo, Bulgaria (Photo Credit: Rayna Cohen)

Differences dissipate.

Quelimane, Mozambique (Photo Credit: Kent Cranford)

A common goal achieved.

Chipata, Zambia (Photo Credit: Shannon McGowan)

“Puedo jugar con tigo?” "Can I play with you?"

That’s all you need to know to join a pick-up game at the park in Guatemala.

Xenacoj, Guatemala (Photo Credit: Brent Acker)

Or if you lack linguistic skills, simply walking up with smile is remarkably effective.

Lezhë, Albania (Photo Credit: Jake Fields)

After the final whistle blows (or when the sun gets too low), the friendship does not have to end. Soccer serves as a starting point.

As we face an uncertain future with tightening borders, ethnic tensions, and hateful rhetoric, we can still escape from the echo-chambers of our familiar circles. We can brave the unknown and find friendship and camaraderie among people of every nation and language.

Eldoret, Kenya (Photo Credit: Shannon McGowan)

Soccer is my universal language. From the concrete courts of Hong Kong; to the water well of Malawi; to the beaches of the Adriatic Sea, I learned, laughed, and competed with a heterogeneous group of people.

What is your universal language?

Will you find ways of connecting with people from different backgrounds?

Will you seek out opportunities to connect with others?

We all have different languages and different backgrounds, but sometimes, it just takes one thing to create an inseperable bond.

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