Top 5 Scary Movies You Need To See This Halloween
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Top 5 Scary Movies You Need To See This Halloween

You might rethink staying home along at night.

Top 5 Scary Movies You Need To See This Halloween
Sam Harrod

Since it's October and scary movies are always on TV this month, and the new season of "American Horror Story" is starting (praise Jesus), I'm feeling the spooky mood. Jack-o-lanterns, black cats, goosebumps, Michael Myers, all that stuff. I feel it's only necessary to make a list of my top five favorite scary movies. Now, I could make a list of the best scary movies that are also hilarious, but that could go on for years. I don't have that kind of time. So, I'm listing real horrors. Also, before you all are so quick to judge my list, remember that these are MY favorite scary movies. I have connections with these movies, lots of memories sitting with friends and staying the night because I was too scared to go home, or toilet papering people after. Put on your PJ's and don't leave the room alone, witches.

5. "Halloween" (1978)

There is absolutely nothing in the scary movie world that screams "Slasher Flick" like "Psycho" or "Halloween." Personally, I pick "Halloween." The very character of Michael Myers is absolutely horrifying. This dude just doesn't die. He gets shot, pushed off a balcony, set on fire, the whole nine yards. And, he is still back the next year trying to stab some ladies. While the new remakes of "Halloween" by Rob Zombie are definitely bloody and full of swearing, they do not capture the supernatural feeling of dread that John Carpenter brings to the table, accompanied perfectly by a soundtrack that gives even Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson nightmares.

4. "Paranormal Activity" (2007)

Before PA, I had never seen a demon-centered scary movie, not even the "Exorcist" (which is a classic scare also). But, PA changed everything. I did not know what to expect at all. The in home cameras, the low budget actors, and the lowkey delivery of the movie made it seem too real. After the end credits of this movie, I went straight home, turned on all the lights in my room, turned the TV on, locked the door and gripped the Bible while rocking back and forth saying the Lord's Prayer. Not one word of that sentence is exaggerated.

3. "The Shining" (1980)

Another movie that filled me with dread as I watched. Being stuck in a hotel with my family for a whole winter would drive me nuts too, Jack. "The Shining" is a cinematic masterpiece by Stanley Kubrick; there are not as many scares as there are creepy vibes and disturbing scenes. My mom likes to scare the living daylights out of me by chasing me around the house, acting like the woman in the bathtub (not naked, of course).

2. "Silence of the Lambs" (1991)

"Are the lambs still screaming, Clarice?"

By now, you're getting the gist I like classic movies. Most scary movies nowadays are trash, especially the remakes of old ones. However, there are still good movies being made that I would love to see. Anyway, "Silence of the Lambs" is a complex movie with many different subplots explored in other fantastic movies (Hannibal). Clarice, a police detective, is tracking down serial killer Buffalo Bill and needs help from the mastermind of murder himself: Dr. Hannibal Lecter. This movie was brilliantly made and the climax makes me never want to enter a basement again.

1. "Strangers" (2008)

This is without a doubt the scariest movie I have ever seen. "The Strangers" is a quiet thriller, with masked burglars terrorizing a couple in the woods who do everything right in terms of avoiding the killers. Psychologically, this movie's ending messed me up, with terrible things happening in daylight, something most scary movies do not do. And, the worst part, the killers did it "because you were home."

As I wrote this article, many movies popped into my head. "Texas Chainsaw Massacre," "Scream," "Poltergeist," "Insidious," "Sinister," "Friday the 13th," "The Crazies." Too many to count. It was extremely hard to make my list, but these are the ones that stick out the most in my memory. That's what scary movies are all about, right?

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