A Response Article To '5 Reasons Why You Should Not Date Indian Girls'
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A Response Article To '5 Reasons Why You Should Not Date Indian Girls'

After stumbling upon this disrespectful article online, I had to say something.

A Response Article To '5 Reasons Why You Should Not Date Indian Girls'

This article is a response to http://www.returnofkings.com/51395/5-reasons-why-y...

Dear Matt Forney,

I know you published this article in 2014 and it is now 2017. But I must address the inconsistencies in your opinion. Listed are your claims and below are my refutations.

1. We are unattractive

I was unaware that, "fit Desi girls are packing more poundage than any girl should be legally allowed to have." Would you kindly show me the law that states that girls should measure their body weight by YOUR personal standards?

2. We are prudes

We are not prudes. We have class. The problem with this argument is you are comparing the Indian culture with your personal opinions on sex. We come from two different worlds. Both opinions are right. It is not our fault if you cannot see that. In fact, we could call your opinion "too easy" or "slutty" because it is different than our own. But we have the decency to realize that people hold different opinions on sex. It is natural and just because something is different to YOU does not mean it is wrong. It is best you start learning to respect opinions different from yours.

3. We are self- loathing

"Every Indian girl I’ve ever known secretly loathed her ethnic heritage, wanted to be white, and fetishized white men to a degree that was downright creepy." I love my ethnic heritage and would never want to change my skin color. It is not your place to say we wish we were white. Just because we have different golden beautiful pigmentation. Also, I would say that your fetish, looking at women as menu options are "downright creepy" and degrading.

Also, I see a bit of faulty logic. You say in your next paragraph that Indian girls have an "obsession with their native culture" but apparently we also loathe our ethnic heritage. This does not make sense. In addition, India is not "a nation where poor people shit on the streets". We have poverty but also incredible beauty and innovation. I would encourage you to remember that Agra is home to the Taj Mahal. There are multiple sources online where you can see the beautiful wonders India has to offer.

4. We are feminists

I am confused on how this is a bad thing. We come from a culture where girls are seen as the wealth and pride of the family. However, some people do not follow this belief. We do not want to date a man who is ignorant of the fact that mothers leave their daughters on the streets in India.

In fact 244,270 cases of domestic violence in 2012 were reported. Keyword- reported. There are so many cases that go unreported because it is seen as a disgrace in society. You would not understand the culture we grow up in.

It is best if you do not comment about topics you are uninformed about. When we see the values in America, we are inspired by the voice that is given to women. It is sad though that not many people are listening to the problems worldwide. Perhaps this response will help inspire you to write some articles about Indian woman's issues. Especially because you have such strong opinions about them.

5. We are mentally ill

Here is the definition of mental illness from Mayo Clinic- "Mental illness refers to a wide range of mental health conditions — disorders that affect your mood, thinking and behavior. Examples of mental illness include depression, anxiety disorders, schizophrenia, eating disorders and addictive behaviors". Mental illness is not something you should associate with the "crazy ex" example you are trying to use. Mental illness is not a joke.

Your ex- girlfriend should not define a whole race of people. That is what you are doing. I am not going to say I hate all men because you are stereotyping us because there are men out there who disagree with what you are saying. It is wrong and frankly immature to categorize a whole race of people.

However, I want to thank you for giving me the opportunity to educate more people who stand by your article. I was disappointed to see that there are many Indian men who hold this same belief. However, everyone is entitled to their opinions. Your opinions matter just as much as mine. Now let me tell you my opinion.

No Indian girl would want to date a man who centers his entire relationship with a girl around "getting to nail a hirsute chick with a pudding pop ass". No Indian girl wants to date a man who thinks that she wants to change her skin color to be white like him. No Indian girl wants to date a man who calls her choices about her body illegal or inadequate. No Indian girl wants to date a man who calls justice a bad thing.

I do not blame you at all for these misunderstandings. The media has its fair share of racially profiling characters in movies and tv shows. There are no Indian Victoria Secret models or superheroes. They are just seen as nerdy or socially awkward.

But I would encourage everyone to not form opinions based on commercialism or entertainment. Do not form harmful opinions about any race because of one person. Everyone deserves dignity and respect. There is a whole world of unique people and it is about time that we celebrate differences instead of putting them down because they do not align with a personal view.

Thank you,


(An American Born Indian Girl)

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