22 Moments That Remind Us Just How Great 'The O.C.' Really Was
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22 Moments That Remind Us Just How Great 'The O.C.' Really Was

California, here we come.

22 Moments That Remind Us Just How Great 'The O.C.' Really Was

2003 was a simpler time. It was the era of flip phones, Juicy Couture sweatsuits, and Nick Lachey and Jessica Simpson were still together (RIP.) It was also the year that some pretty phenomenal TV shows began to bless our televisions every week.

One of those amazing, super realistic, teenage angst dramas was none other than "The O.C." This gem of a show was cut way too short (all your fault, Mischa Barton), but during its peak, it was everything.

Forgot what made this show so great? Have no fear! Here are 22 moments that remind us just how great the iconic show really was:

1. When Marissa and Ryan first met.

True love blossoming before our very eyes. We will no forever respond to "Who are you?" with "Whoever you want me to be" from here on out.

2. When Seth and Ryan first meet.

The greatest bromance of the early 2000s EVER. Two extremely different people, but so compatible at the same time.

3. "Welcome to the O.C, bitch!" "Welcome to the O.C, bitch!"


4. Chrismukkah.

Seth's incredibly unique and brilliant holiday mashup, you wished that you had parents who were both Jewish and Catholic so you could celebrate Chrismukkah.

5. When Seth went from having no girls at all to having to juggle two at the same time...and on the same day no less.

Anna was great, but let's be real...Seth and Summer forever and ever.

6. Seth declares his love for Summer.

Speaking of the greatest "O.C." couple, Seth standing on the coffee cart telling Summer he loves her in front of all of Harbor is just so perfect.

7. When Ryan saves Marissa from overdosing in Tijuana.

Oh, Marissa Cooper. The poor girl had such issues (and with very good reason) and Ryan was always there to save the day.

8. When we find out Julie Cooper is sleeping with Luke.

And this is why Marissa had such major issues. Well, one of many reasons.

9. Marissa's iconic poolside meltdown.

We feel you girl, we FEEL you.

10. Seth and Summer's "Spider-Man" kiss.

It was a lowkey hurricane in Newport Beach, and here we find our favorite couple ever being so perfect and being our favorite couple ever.

11. Caleb's death

We are literally watching Julie try and poison him and then BAM, the dude has a heart attack and falls in the pool. It was definitely not something anyone expected.

12. Kirsten's intervention.

After Caleb's death, Kirsten goes into a dark, dark place. She and her father never had the best of relationship, but after he died things went from bad to worse. She was already using drugs, and this pushed her over the edge. This scene is hard to watch but speaks volumes for the Cohen's and how much they love and adore Kirsten.

13. Marissa shoots Trey.

Trey had just tried to sexually assault Marissa not too long before this and, of course, Ryan found out and OF COURSE had to do something about it. Trey was on the verge of killing Ryan until it was Miss Cooper's turn to save the day.

14. Marissa meets Volchok.

Ugh, he was so delicious but SO bad. All Marissa needed, seriously. This was just the downward spiral that, of course, led to something much, much worse.

15. When Seth started smoking weed.

Poor guy couldn't handle himself one bit and even found himself burning down the Newport Group AND ditched his Brown interview. Not good Mr. Cohen, NOT good.

16. Sandy Cohen's love affair with bagels.

This man coined the term "schmeer," I'm convinced.

17. Sandy Cohen in general.

He was the one who brought Ryan home, he is the one that made their family whole, and he is just the greatest guy in the whole damn show.

18. Ryan carrying Marissa away from their car accident.

Saddest. Moment. Ever. Remember when I said Marissa being involved with Volchok would go from bad to worse? This is worse. This is THE worst. She literally dies in his arms people and, with the flashbacks of that first time Sandy was driving Ryan back to Chino and him looking back at her standing at the driveway along with "Hallelujah" playing, it just adds to the emotion.

19. Ryan NOT killing Volchok.

For reasons completely understandable, Ryan goes into a very dark place after Marissa's death. He isn't living with the Cohen's and all he wants to do his find Volchok and kill him. With the help of Julie (of course) he tracks him down, beats the crap out of him, but doesn't kill him! That's my boy.

20. Chris Pratt was in the fourth season.

This was pre-hot af "Jurassic World"/"Guardians of the Galaxy" Chris Pratt. He was Summer's weird college hippy friend Che, and it was everything. It's even better to look back on now.

21. When Ryan has the "It's A Wonderful Life Experience" with Taylor.

I couldn't stand the show pairing these two up, but I loved this moment. They fall and get knocked unconscious and find themselves in a parallel universe where they don't exist. Ryan finds out that Marissa actually died three years earlier than she did with him in her life, overdosing in Tijuana. This means he really gave her three more years to live. It was the exact closure Ryan needed.

22. Seth and Summer getting married.

This is exactly how this show needed to end. Perfection.

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