I'm A Millennial And I'm Voting for Donald Trump
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I'm A Millennial And I'm Voting for Donald Trump

Here's why I'm casting my vote for the most polarizing figure in politics.

I'm A Millennial And I'm Voting for Donald Trump
LA Times

Look…I won’t lie: I didn’t come to this choice with ease. It wasn’t because Hillary Clinton was a competitive choice. She isn’t. For me, it was wrestling with the conscious choice of deciding that in my Christian lifestyle, I would mindfully vote to elect someone with as detestable a personality as Donald Trump. The guy is unabashedly rude, arrogant and not overtly respectful of others. For me, it was determining if I would vote, or if I would sit this year’s election out altogether and raise my flag in neutrality, like Switzerland in the midst of another World War.

But what are the things that made me decide Trump was the guy I was going to vote for, especially over Hillary? Well, for starters, I don’t like Hillary Clinton. I like nothing about her politics, her stances on important issues, her ability to stand up for our service men and women, her ability to have integrity, her scandals and her health. To me, the only thing that makes her even slightly qualified is the fact that she’s held a high-ranking political office before. But if you put a child in the secretary of state position, that doesn’t mean that that child is going to end up being a better president than Ronald Reagan. Hillary Clinton’s E-Mail scandals and the obvious fact that she is above the law absolutely scare me. For God’s sake, the woman should be in prison, not running for the presidency. When the FBI director comes out with the findings of their investigation and says explicitly that Hillary Clinton broke the law, then advises that she not be indicted on any charges… that’s when you know the system is absurdly flawed; she’s above the law and she could essentially get away with anything.

But that doesn’t answer the question of “why Donald Trump?” So many people have chastised him for his loose lips, his ability to dig himself into holes and to insult anyone and everyone. But I realized in judging him I was being contradictory to my own desires.

For the past eight years, while Barack Obama has occupied the oval office, I’ve always wondered why we can’t just find a politician who doesn’t play the game of a politician. Guys like Barack Obama and Mitt Romney always have the polished, politically correct answer. And then they proceed to get nothing of any merit done. For the longest time, I’ve just been waiting for a politician to come out and just say what he really believes. Say what he really feels; and Donald Trump does that. Let’s be honest: 50 percent of the time, Trump says stuff that I really agree with and 50 percent of the time, I’m scratching my head wondering how he can be so daft. But the reality is that regardless of what he says, being spot on 50 percent of the time is better than being an evil snake 100 percent of the time, like Clinton.

I know I’m not alone in that desire for a president who is going to say what needs to be said. Not what emotional, politically correct crybabies want to hear. In a day and age where something offends almost everybody, this nation needs someone who is going to give you the cold hard truth, regardless of who you are. This nation needs a swift kick in the pants to understand that you can disagree with someone without needing to try and take away their first amendment rights because they don’t align with yours. Trump is never going to fail to put it all out there. The same cannot be said for an indoctrinated politician like Hillary Clinton.

But Trump is offensive and he disrespects women, and minorities and first generation families. He’s too brash; he’ll get into a heated argument with Vladimir Putin and launch all the nukes, blah, blah, blah. We’ve all heard about the negatives. And anybody who denies that Trump has at least some skeletons in the closet is woefully misunderstood. But if I said that I never offended someone before or been disrespectful and not been apologetic for it, all I would be doing is lying to myself and everyone else. Donald Trump can’t be held to a standard of perfection while Hillary Clinton corrupts her way to the top.

I understand that nobody is perfect. I’ve learned so many times throughout my life that I can’t put any one person up on a pedestal because they’ll always let you down. The same is true for both Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. And everybody’s sin is the same in the eyes of God. If I’m called to emulate Christ in the best way that I can then I can’t say Hillary Clinton’s law breaking is worse than Donald Trump’s disrespect towards women. Everybody has their demons, but politically, I align more with the philosophies of Trump than Hillary. And in my own purely flawed human nature, I’m quicker to forgive the misdeeds of Trump before Hillary.

But one of the main reasons that I’m for Trump and not Hillary is because in a lot of ways Trump is the underdog. He is the underdog against an all too corrupt national media and a whole throng of people who believe that he’s such a bad choice that violently protesting his rallies is a suitable action to take.

I would love to watch Donald Trump get sworn in as the President of the United States while the corrupt jesters of the world at CNN and MSNBC watch in horror. I’m so sick of living in a country that is driven by a media that has an agenda to divide the people of this nation and pit us against one another. The media has shown an extreme bias against Trump in every single step of this political race. They’re more concerned with trying to scorch him than report on any of the laundry list of things that SHOULD disqualify Hillary from running for President.

At the end of the day this country needs a change for the better. It needs a leader who is guided by his faith in Christ and truly believes in the underlying purpose of this nation. I don’t believe that we’re going to find this in the next four years. Neither candidate is going to give us that, but I wholeheartedly believe Trump is better prepared to take America one step in the correct direction.

I’m not looking for a political debate. If you support Hillary, I’m sure you have your reasons, and I fully support you in that. Having the ability to freely choose is something that makes America great. It seems like every week we lose a little bit more of our first amendment rights. And I’m dead set convinced that having a president who is going to say whatever he wants and not apologize for it, is something that’s going to continue to empower people of every race, culture and class to retain their first amendment rights.

I’m a millennial. A highly potent generation who plants its ideals on equality, sensitivity and ill-informed notions. I’m part of a generation who refuses to acknowledge the past, and the things that made America what it was. I come from a group of people that can easily be considered the most entitled generation of all time; a group that demands a free ride through life. But I am not one of those people. I believe in hard work. I believe in climbing the corporate ladder. I believe in a better America coming from hard work and determination, not from socialism. I am a millennial, and I am casting my vote for Donald Trump for the Presidency in November.

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