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Love, The Eiffel Tower

A Look at Objectum Sexuality

Love, The Eiffel Tower
Edwin J. Viera

People express love in many different ways objectum sexuality is one of them. Objectum Sexuality is the practice of loving objects instead of people. Though not a common practice it was notable enough to have a documentary made about it; it's called Married to the Eiffel Tower.

The documentary discusses the relationship of people and objects through objectum sexuality. Throughout this vast group of people the love of an item can stem from an unresolved issue over how people have treated them during their life time. These issues come from a tumultuous marriage, a lack of affection, or not being able to fill a void.

In the documentary, one woman, Erika Eiffel, spoke about her love of objects and how it began. Also, she spoke about her marriage to The Eiffel Tower as well as her relationship to the Berlin Wall. Another person, Amy, spoke about her relationship with the Empire State Building, The Twin Towers, and a ride at an amusement park.

Erika Eiffel talks about how her parents did not love her and questions how people can bring a child in to the world only not to love it. This comes up when she discusses her relationship with the Berlin Wall. In the book, Selves, Symbols, and Sexuality Don Kulick wrote the essay titled, Muscle and Blood, he says, “A psychoanalytic truism is that fantasy is always in dynamic interplay with social life. Fantasy arises from unresolved relations to other people and out of our particular positions as subjects of society.”


For certain groups the artistic value of the building is not only what they love, but the way people relate to the building/structure’s history through their own personal experiences. For example, Erika Eiffel’s relationship to the Berlin Wall to the way her parents did not love her properly as a child.

In this way groups of people that are not shown affection can relate to objects that were not shown affection. The gender of the object is determined by the person in the relationship and one point that is brought up by Erika Eiffel is that gender is important since the object a person loves can’t be called an “it”. The word “it”, to Erika, implies that the calling objects such as The Eiffel Tower an “it” implies that the object is inanimate.

A gender argument is being made in this community but also with in the ever-evolving LGBTQ community. Within the LGBTQ community; people are starting to be gender fluid and these people use the pronoun “they” instead of he and she. Using the pronoun, they among objects allows for the being to be the gender of the partner’s choosing. It allows for the leeway between male and a female.

In a society where friends, family members or other groups in life cannot understand some of the struggles a person goes through on a daily basis; though objects actually can. While the objects might not have the exact same story a reoccurring theme does come up within these relationships.

For Erika Eiffel, her relationship with the Berlin Wall goes back to her lack of affection as a child, and for Amy’s mother, her love for her doll collection is founded in the relationship she had with her husband. Finally, Amy’s relationship with the banister, The Empire State Building, The Twin Towers, etc. stems from the ways she would deal with her mother & father’s relationship. During the documentary, Amy talks about a red bowl she carried around with her; being one of the first few objects that she loved.

Loving objects is not viewed as something normal based along the guidelines of what is viewed as normal. Don Kulick also wrote in that same chapter about the men of a New Guinea village and the way they experience eroticism. The practice of penial bloodletting can be seen as harmful to the body, but for these men the practice of doing this is their normalcy.

For some it may be a man making love to a woman, or a man making love to a man, though these are social norms for some the norms for others may vary depending upon the place and country.

Link to the documentary, Married to the Eiffel Tower.

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